Lily wasn't one to stand out in a crowd. She most certainly wasn't one to even talk or be associated with strangers. It's what her mother always told her. Lily still remembers her mother's words echoing in her mind, moments before she lost her battle to cancer.
'Listen closely my dear,' she spoke. Her voice brittle with fatigue and old-age. 'The light is fading in this world, soon everything will be closing in as darkness. But do not loose hope, for there is one but you left in this world.'
Of course when her mother spoke these words the doctors and nurses thought she was delusional, but to Lily these words spoke truth. Everything her mother said, spoke truth. She would say what she saw, that's it. Period. She never lied, not even about the most deadliest of sights. She was always truthful, no matter the cost or price that certain information gave away.
But those weren't the only words that her mother told her. 'You did good my dear child, just remember to stay aware. They are everywhere, even when you don't see them. They are there. Be sure of who to trust.'
Lily remembered her mother's warning, she remembered every little detail about that conversation. From the way her mother's withered hands tried to move, from the beeping of the machine that ran her body for her. Every. Single. Detail.
She had kept that warning in her mind, repeating it everyday. She always watched her movements, always careful of each step she took. She always watched who she made eye contact with. She made sure to not even utter a word without needing too. At first it was hard, but after 13 years since her mother's death, she had gotten used to it.
Now at the age of 33, having worked at some low-run diner as a waitress, she lived in Bristol in a small apartment where she wouldn't cause much attention. She lived alone. Like she always has. The only person whom she lived with in her life was her mother, but well---that was in the past.
She had no pets, no boyfriend, nothing. Absolutely nothing. And she didn't mind, as long as she was safe. She knew that if she watched her back she would remain safe. Remain protected.
But she wasn't careful enough. After 13 years of hiding, covered away from any trace of the others. She was found.
Just one mishap--just one--and she was found.
She was walking home from the diner when she felt a vibration in her purse. Absent mindly she looked down and reached into her bag, only to be side-tracked and running into someone on the sidewalk.
As soon as she felt the impact her head snapped up, an apology on the tip of her tongue while her purse snapped shut with a metallic *click*.
Pushing her light blonde hair back behind her ear, her eyes laid upon a stunning young man. He looked back with a startled expression back at her, his dark blue eyes wide. His dirty blonde hair wildly messed up giving him that type of 'sexy bed-head' look. He looked to be about 6 feet at least, him towering over her. He looked no older then 25, incredibly young and good-looking.
"Oh, my apologies. I was side-tracked." Lily said nervously as she tried to fix her purse while gazing quickly at her hands.
"Oh no worries, sweetheart. Actually you look pretty worn out? Long day?" the man asked, his voice deep and smooth. It made Lily feel her stomach become slightly fuzzy at the sudden octave.
Lily quickly looked up, a deep burn feeling creeping across her cheeks. Why was she blushing? It was just some dude? A extremely attractive dude.
"Oh, yea. I guess you could say that." She replied, a small laugh echoing after her words. The side of the man's mouth turned up in a smirk.
"How about a drink?"
Lily stopped as she saw his mouth form those words. The straight forwardness of this man she knew less then 5 seconds setting a slight alarm in her head. She squinted her face slightly in unease and confusion.
"No thank you, I really should be getting home. It's late." she finished quickly nodding and turning to continue her walk back to her apartment.
Before she could take 2 steps she felt a solid grip grab her elbow. Quickly she turned around, her alarm and insides ringing that everything was wrong. Everything was utterly wrong.
'They are everywhere, even when you don't see them.' Her mother's words rung in her head, flashbacks of the conversation that was perfectly imprinted in her mind for the past 13 years.
"Oh I wasn't asking you. I'm quiet parched." The man said in a mocking tone, his head turning slightly. Lily's breathing increased as she stayed still, the unknown man still gripping her elbow. The man's mouth opened slightly, revealing two pointed teeth that was not normal for any human.
But the thing is, he wasn't human. He was a vampire.
Immediately Lily closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath she focused all her willpower into her gut. Feeling the familiar energy feeling in her center. Then she pushed. Pushed everything in her gut out.
Normally the outburst of power would have hit the person targeted, causing them to spiral backwards. But instead the unknown man stood up, his hand still firmly gripped on her elbow. A evil smirk plastered to his face as he let out a low laugh.
"Didn't your mother every tell you about Elderberries?"
Lily felt her stomach drop. Elderberries. The only thing that blocked her powers.
"Now, how about that drink?" the unknown man mockingly asked, his head quirked to the side. His fangs fully protruding from his mouth, his dark blue eyes shaded over with a black film.
Before Lily could scream for help, she felt a sharp pain in her neck before everything faded to black.
Picture of Lily to the side

ℒove at First Bite ≫ One Direction/Vampire (AU)
FanfictionGabry was always an outcast. Always bullied for nothing, pestered at school, rumors flying through the halls about things that weren't true. Friendless, of course except for Alec, whom Gabry had no idea why he stayed friends with her despite everyth...