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Sam looked at herself in the mirror after a long, warm shower she used to take every Saturday evening before her favorite show begun. What caught her attention this time was the disgusting scar on her right arm. No matter how much she wanted to forget that crazy night on Blackwood Mountain, she couldn't. She couldn't forget how she thought it would be a fun night together with her friends, how the wendigo chased her and how her closest friend betrayed her. She couldn't blame Josh for being so sensitive, but play a huge, dangerous prank at his friends was low, even lower than something Mike could've done. Sam sighed at the thought of Josh, the guy she thought she hade something with. It wasn't that serious, but after a heartwarming speech from Josh down in the basement when he helped her get some warm water for her bath, she couldn't resist the feeling. The way he looked at her, and the fact that he was always smiling when he talked to her made her blush hard.

All this happened about 6 months ago, and it's kind of ridiculous that she still isn't over it. Everyone survived, even Josh. Quite a lot things changed after that. Emily and Matt moved to New York together, Mike have been more serious than ever and Jess is just a little more bitchy. Chris and Ashley started to date only a month after the incident and Josh... No one ever heard a thing from Josh. There's been a few rumors about him being locked up because he's a danger to society. Which probably not is true.

There's a loud knock on the door and Sam almost throws her clothes on. Who decides to make a visit at this time? She opens the door quickly to find the one and only. Joshua Washington, the guy everyone though disappeared into the nothingness. Sam couldn't help but just stare at him in surprise.

"Hi, Samantha"He said. It was the same deep voice she remembered him have.

"Josh... Wh- What are you doing here?" She asked in surprise.

"I came to see you, obviously" he said with a half smile.

"Why? No one ever heard anything from you after we got home. We thought you didn't want to see us again" Sam said and took a step to the side. "Come in! You must be freezing! It's kinda cold outside today".

Josh looked up at her and quickly walked in. He looked tired, really tired. Like he's been up all night to get here. His hair looked like a mess and he smelled like garlic and cheese.

"What have you been up to lately?" Sam asked just to seem nice. In fact, she was kind of unsure if letting Josh in was a great idea.

"Not much. The doctors gave me medicine I need to take so I don't get depressed. It not really what I want, but I guess it's for the best" Josh said with his voice cracking.

Sam could hear that he wasn't happy with his life at the moment. That's understandable, because she wouldn't be happy after doing such a thing to her friends.

"I'm sorry..." Sam mumbled and closed the door behind her. "But you are okay otherwise, right?"

"Yeah... Or, well. People have been calling me names like Psychopath, Killer, Maniac" Josh said and looked down at his feet ones again.

Sam couldn't resist but to feel sorry for him.

"I'm sorry... Again" she said and they shared a laugh together. "But tell me why you're here"

Everything became silent, Josh just looked at Sam and Sam just looked at Josh.

"I really like you" Josh said after a while.

"What?" Sam said confused.

"I really like you... More than a friend" he said.

Sam was speechless. After all this time and after all he has done, he's in love with her?

"I understand if you don't feel the same! I am a maniac. I don't even know why I came here" Josh said and smashed his fist against the wall.

"I really like you too..." Sam said.

The look Josh gave her showed both confusion and joy. Like a part of him didn't understand if she was serious while the other part was overwhelmed. There was no need to say it again before Josh had his lips against Sam's.

The kiss was slow and sweet, just like in movies. Sam had to smile when she realized the taste of Josh's lips. Strawberries, with a small sting of mint. Two of her favorite flavors. Without any warning Josh sneaked his tongue in and the kiss became more passionate. Josh pressed Sam gently against the wall, unsure if he was doing the right thing. But he was. Sam had never enjoyed a kiss like that before and the fact that it was Josh who kissed her only made it better. Josh's hands found his way under Sam's shirt and a small moan escaped her mouth. Who thought kissing the guy who almost killed you once would feel so great? Josh suddenly leaned away in the middle of the kiss, leaving Sam slightly annoyed.

"You know... I was enjoying that..." Sam said looking into Josh's eyes. Their lips millimeters apart.

"I'm just making sure" Josh mumbled pressing his lips against hers again.

This time things became a little more serious. Josh and Sam were battling about the domination with their tongues, which Josh manage to win. Sam got more and more annoyed over how big Josh's domination was so she decided go a little bit further. Within seconds both Sam and Josh's shirts where on the floor and they were on their way to Sam's bedroom.

Sam didn't care about the tv-show at this moment. All she cared about was Josh, and to go all the way tonight.

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