Hello my Katie Cat Pop tarts! OVER 1K! THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Anyway, this is part two to Memory, so go read part one if you haven't or you won't understand much of it. Anyway, I don't want to spoil anything, so enjoy!
TW for slight violence.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: At New York Comic Con, Eddie, Adam, and Jen were at a panel and they said a few things.1: The word to describe Season 5b would be "hell".
2: Henry and Violet's relationship, (Violet Believer), will break you heart.
3: We will see an episode with Killian as a child and Killian's father. (So excited!!!)Also Emile De Ravin (Belle on the show) is pregnant in real life!
Y/N=Your Name
Henry took a bite of the turnover, and all was still.
"You want some ice cream with that? Then we can get back to talking about-"
Henry started swaying as Emma was speaking. And looked pale, when he fainted.
His eyes closed, and his body went limp.
I rushed over and caught him before he hit the ground.
I wasn't able to hold him, and set him gently on the floor.
I started crying when Emma came over and knelt over him.
"Henry?! Henry?!". We both screamed.
Time: Present
Paisley's/ Y/N's POV
Emma grabbed the apple turnover that Henry had bitten into and put it in a zip lock.
She then grabbed Henry's limp body and started sprinting down the stairs.
I grabbed Henry's backpack before following her.
Emma, too concerned to day no to me, allowed me to get in the backseat as she sped to the hospital.
She parked and grabbed Henry's body.
We rushed into the hospital together and Emma started screaming for help.
"Dr.Whale?!?! Nurses?!?! SOMEBODY?!?!" Emma yelled.
Dr.Whale came from behind the doors.
"Emma? Calm down. Nurse Ella, bring a bed."
The nurse brought a bed over and Emma placed Henry on it.
"What happened to him?"
"He ate this!" Emma said showing the half of the apple turnover Henry had bitten into.
"And then he just collapsed! So run the tests for arsenic, bleach, draino, or whatever could have done this to him!"
"Look Ms.Swan I know you're upset-"
Regina burst through the door.
"Where's my son?!?!" She shouted.
"You did this!" Emma grabbed Regina and dragged her to a nearby closet.
Loud bangs we're heard, but no one dared to get in between the two women.
I slumped in defeat and looked over at Henry.
He had tubes connected to him, and an oxygen mask.
His pale body looked so small and frail in the large bed.