~¤♡Car rides♡¤~

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"Hey." Xerx smiled as she walked up to him. "You looked a lot back there." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously.
"What's your name pretty girl?" He smiled as she got a little pink
"I'm Xerxeanna, but everyone calls me Xerx."
He smiled "That's a verry unique name. "
"Okayy well," Mac interrupted them "my mom ain't gonna wait forever." He said and wrapped an arm around Xerx's shoulder.
"Geez Mac eager much." She laughed thinking this was an act of friendship. "Well he's right anyway lets go." Mac opened the back door for her and she smiled.
"Thank you Sebastian." She smiled as she used a british accent as she climbed in.
Mac went to get in as well but a hand stopoed him.
"You called shotgun before we left." Saucey said.
"Well then I un-shotgun."
"That's not a thing."
"Just get in!" He said closing the door as mac was forced up front.
When he got in he put the mirror down, do If gee really did try anything, he'd see.

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