Chapter 3: Endless Fall Cliff

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It's been a month since my date with Norman. I haven't heard from him and it didn't bother me much.

I was working in the shop just like every other day when I recognized someone. "Sean?" I asked. He looked up and thought for a minute.

"Cassie?" I smiled and nodded my head. "How've you been?" He asked.

"I'm good. Just working. What about you?" I said ringing up his items.

"Good, good." He answered pulling out some cash to pay. "How's Norman?" I just had to ask. I needed to have an update on him. "Alright. Hasn't been home much, but he's good."

I frowned a bit. I was hoping for Sean to say that Norman was talking about me a lot. I didn't even like Norman so I don't know why I even cared if he talked to his friends about me or not. "Oh, well have a nice day."

Later that day after work I got a call from Katrina, she wanted to go out again tonight. Something about a few of her friends wanted to have a bonfire at the beach and she begged me to go.

I went back to my apartment and showered before slipping on a pair of light blue jeans and a hoodie. I brushed out my hair and let it down before walking down to the beach.

When I got there a good many people had already arrived. "Cassie! Oh my god! Finally, you came out with us for once!" Katrina yelled running up to me in her shorts and bathing suit top.

Katrina wrapped me up in a hug. "Hey!" I smiled missing the familiar comfort of friends.

It wasn't long before the alcohol was being passed around. I remembered how horrible I felt the next morning after my last night of drinking and refused all the drinks I was offered.

"Hey Cassie wanna swim?" I heard one of the guys call. "No, I'm fine," I yelled back.

Were they crazy? Swimming in the ocean, especially at night! I would never. I felt two sets of arms grab me. "Hey, get off me!" I yelled. "Come on Cassie time for a swim." They laughed. They drug me to the drop-off.

A lot of people come here and jump off since it's an adrenaline rush and there are no rocks in the water. Just three hundred feet of water and it gets deeper the further you go out.

"Stop it! No! Please!" I begged them, but it didn't help. They pushed me off the cliff and all I heard was Katrina yelling at them before I went down.

"She can't swim you fuckers!" In a matter of seconds, I was in the water. I kept my eyes closed afraid to see what was in front of me. I tried to swim my way to the top so I could get some air but my oversized hoodie was pulling me down like an anchor.

I gasped for air the second I reached for the top and water tried to enter my lungs. I used my arms like they tried to teach me during swimming lessons in earlier years of my life.

I tried to swim back to the cliff and hold on, but it was a no-go. There was no way to get back shore unless I swam eight miles around to the front.

I was finally submerged under the water and the last thing I remember was the blackness of the water.


I woke up wrapped in blankets but was still cold. The smell of food filled my nostrils and I sat up. I looked around at the unfamiliar room. Where was I?

"You're up?" I heard. Turning my head Norman stood in the doorway with a plate of food. I was confused as hell right now. Why is he here? What's going on?

"What am I doing here?" I continued to scope out the room. There was a fireplace to my right and what looked like a bathroom through the door in front of me.

"You were in the water when I found you." He answers putting the food beside me. What was he doing out there at this time?

"How'd you find me?" I asked him when he sat down on the bed. "I was doing my nightly drive and caught a glimpse of you."

"Nightly drive?" I asked. "Mhmm, I have a boat and part of my job living on the island is to parole the area between the mainland and here." Looking out the window I saw an endless ocean.

"Wait you live on an island? I thought you lived with Sean?" Norman shook his head. "I live here on this small island. Sean lives on the mainland, and I like to stay there when I have things to do." He answered. I nodded my head and shivered when I felt the breeze from outside.

"Sorry," Norman quickly got up and shut the window. "I still don't understand, how'd you see me? I was sinking to the bottom." I argued. "I saw you from a distance and you were going under when I got to you. I pulled you up and brought you back here. You were breathing, but unconscious. Are you okay now? Have any pain?" I shook my head.

"I'm fine for now, thank you so much. I'd be dead if it weren't for you." I smiled. "True, but I have a question. What were you doing at that cliff? It's dangerous. That's why it's called the Endless Fall Cliff."

"A bunch of guys pushed me. I went out with my friend and she invited people I didn't know. They picked me up and threw me off knowing I couldn't swim. And I hate the water." I said.

Norman laughed, "You hate the water? Why?" I shrugged my shoulders, "It terrifies me because I have no idea what's down there." I watched Norman smirk.

"So these guys, any idea who they are... Because I may have to kick some ass now that I know what they did to you." I laughed at his bluntness. "No idea, but I'm sure I could find out."

We shared another laugh. "I brought you a sandwich. Swimming takes a lot out of a person and you need rest." He said.

"But I have a lot to ask you," I argued wanting to know more about how he found me. "Same here. Just eat up and get some sleep. The bathroom is in there if you wanna shower, I have clothes for you set out." He smiled.

"Thanks, Norman." I watched the corners of Norman's lips turn up into a small smile and felt myself blush. "Goodnight." He backed out of the room and left me to myself.

I took my free time to eat the sandwich I was offered and got a shower. Norman left me a pair of sweatpants and a shirt to wear for the night. I let my soaking wet clothes by the hamper and pulled the top sheet off the bed. It was wet from my clothes.

I climbed back into bed and snuggled myself up in a cocoon while I stared at the fire. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I called without turning around.

"Are you doing okay?" Norman asked me. "Yeah, thanks for everything. I don't deserve it after being a bitch the last time we talked." I said not looking at him.

He sat down on the bed and shrugged, "I was a dick when I first met you at Sean's. I was so pissed off. I was out all night and I wanted to sleep and there you were in my bed. But I mean who wouldn't want a pretty girl in their bed?" He joked. I loved how Norman was playful and funny.

"Well, I can think of a few people." I joked back to him. "Alright, alright. So you said you had questions, what do you wanna know?" He said looking into my purple eyes.



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