I gasped awake, my head was throbbing with pain and I took in the scene around me. Water, that’s all I knew, I was stuck to my seat, and I looked at Claire who was still next to me. She was blacked out, blood seeping from a gash on her forehead, and her ears were bleeding as well.
I frantically unbuckled my seatbelt, feeling the semi warm water surround me as I fell deep into water. I had no time to think about what had happened, I just knew I had to get to safety.
I swam, and I squinted, trying to see where we were but it was dark, and the water was black, fire was the only light we had, and it was coming from the plane engines. I knew we had to get away from this as soon as possible, the engine could blow up at any time.
I swam to Claire and my hands found her waist that was now sinking underwater with the part of the plane her seat was still attached to. I unhooked the belt, pulling her forward and dragging her slowly out of the broken plane.
I quickly checked her throat for a pulse, and it was there, but it was awfully slow.
A floating object near me was perfect to let her drift on, I just had to grab it. I slowly swam over to it, hoisting her and myself onto it to keep us afloat and I looked back at the plane.
Half of it had already sunk, but my half was still afloat, barely.
Mallory’s side of the plane was gone.
I felt fear and pain well up in my chest, knowing she had to be down there. I felt the tears form in my eyes, but I knew she was gone, and all my classmates…
I heard screaming coming from part of the plane, and I looked at Claire’s unconscious body. I found a loose strap and tied it around her, hooking it to the suitcase to keep her on the luggage and afloat.
I had to try and help them.
I swam as fast as I could but I body was aching, and my head was killing me. I screamed, “Hey!” hoping they would respond quickly.
Then I followed a muffled scream, and I knew they were sinking, so I had to find them quick. I saw bubbles rise from the dark water and dove down, knowing I couldn’t open my eyes I would have to go down there blind.
So I did.
I felt around for a belt, and finally I found it, hands grabbing on me to help them to the surface. I pulled them up, only to realize they were really bad off. I wanted to gag from fear, the pain they had written on their face…
I pulled them up, hoisting them onto a loose seat cusion, and when I noticed they weren’t heavy at all, I knew something was wrong.
His bottom half was missing, and he wasn’t going to make it much longer.
I whispered, “I’m so sorry.”
I swam quickly to where me and Claire were sitting, knowing there were life jackets under our seats because we were flying over seas. I pulled one out and quickly put it on, suddenly realizing my arm hurt a hell of a lot more then I realized.

Stranded (GirlXGirl)
Romance~COMPLETED~ Alexandra Grey, but more commonly going by Alex, is planning on attending the planned annual senior trip with her class to Rio de Janeiro. She figures it would be one hell of a trip considering there were no parents and unlimited alcohol...