We had to get back on to the bus after a couple of days but now it's stopped because the van broke down and Paul said it would take two days to fix .It was now 9 o'clock .
" hey are you coming to the vampire party ?" . Louis said sitting down on the sofa .
Niall shook his head violently .
" niall why didunt you tell me ?!" . I said turning and looking at him ." I didunt want you going because your having a baby " . Niall said
" niall just because I'm having a baby dosent mean I Carnt go out " . I said getting up .
" I'm going to get changed " . Louis said .
" same " . I said standing up and walking to mine and Nialls room .I put on a tight red dress and my red heals I curled my hair and put some makeup on but not allot .
You could defnatly see my bump and it had only been a mounth and Probbaly two days ? .
I asked El to come aswell but Louis said no . I hated it how vampires could become so possessive over there mates .My mark has been burning for the full hour that I've been getting ready .
I smiled down at my bump then walked out of our room .
" You look amazing " niall said pulling me in and kissing me .
I deepened the kiss and I released when I heard someone cough . It was Luke ." can I speak to you alone isobell " . Luke asked me .
" sure " . I muttered .We walked into anouther room Probbaly Louis but he didunt care .
" sorry I judged you for cutting " . Luke says scratching the back of his head." Luke you really hurt my feelings but it's fine " . I said siging .
He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back.
" come on let's go to the party " . Luke says walking me out the bathroom .
At the party ." izzy I want you to come and meet some of my friends " . Niall says walking over to a big groop .
When we walked into the club it was amazing i instantly new it was VIP and I felt existed because I knew calebs would be hear .
The music wasent too loud which was good so I Wouldent get a head ace ." izzy this is -" I cut niall off .
" OMG Justin beiber !!" . I screamed .
"Yeah , yeah it it " . Justin laughed .
" Justin meet my girlfriend , Isobella " . Niall said while I hugged Justin ." whoah what's that " .he said pulling back at holding me at shoulders length .
I giggled .
" she ate too much cake " . Niall replied smugly . I slapped his arm playfully ." whoah niall what's Simon going to say about this he's gonna kill you getting a random pregnant and she isent even your mate !" . Justin said with wide eyes looking at niall .
" she's not a random " . Niall lauged " she's my mate " . Niall said .
I smiled at him ." wait isent she ment to get her fangs ? " . Justin said looking at my mouth .
" nope she hasent " . Niall said shrugging .
" Yeah but you know that means -" Justin said but niall cut him off .
" that means she's beautiful anyways " . Niall said giving Justin a warning look .Nialls pov
" she dosent know !" . I mind messaged Justin .
" what haven't you told her she could be more powerful " . Justin messaged back .
" I'm gonna tell her after she has the baby " . I mesaged him back ." fine " . Justin said as he cut the messages off .
" iz come and sit down " . Justin said carefully taking her by her arm .
" okay " . She said as she walked over ad sat on a coutch with him .Isobells pov
We were taking for quite a while .
" niall I need to powder my noise " . I sad sanding up .
" over there " . Niall pointed to a door .
" thanks " . I said and then procided to walk over.
I pushed the door open and then went inside . There was about five girls and they all Staired at my bump .
I walked passed them and started re applying my makeup .
" have you been to the hospital yet ?" . I turned my head and a girl with blin hair was stood there stairing at me ." Urm no we haven't been yet because I've only found out and there's only a small bump , we will Probbaly go tommorow " . I said applying some lipstick .
" I hope it dies " . I turned my head and Brittany was there .
" what " . I said shocked .
" you heard me " . He sneered back with her hands on her hips.
I shot my makeup in my purse and slammed it shut .
I ran out of the bathroom crying .
I spotted niall and litrally jumped in his eyes and buried my head in his chest crying .
" what's a matter love " . Niall said with a worried look on his face .
All the groop where now stairing at me and they leaned in .
" Brittany told me that she h -hopes the Baby dies " . I wispered but I knew everyone could hear .
Suddenly I felt niall tense as Brittany came walking out of the bathroom smurking .
Justin lept up and stormed over to her and grabbed her by her through .
She gasped while being pushed up against the wall clutching his hand .
I screamed and niall zoomed out out of the club and back to the hotel ." NIALL ". I screamed as he put me down .
His eyes were changing couler to deep red .
" niall " . I said backing up .
" STAY THERE " . He said in a deep voice and rushed out of the hotel room slamming the door .
Niall was gone for quite a while so I decided to get a shower and change.
I walked out into the bedroom and layed on the bed , that's when niall came in .
" sorry I went for a bite and now I found out that the other two boys are now vampires " . Niall said running a hand over his face .
" where's your bump " . He said with a worried exspresstion walking over to me .
" hear " . I said giggling an lifting my top up .
" hello mr mini Horan " . Niall Said kissing my stomach.
" how do you know it isent a girl ?" . I said smiling.
" I don't , but I'd rather it be a boy because I don't want to fight off loads of boys if the baby's a girl ". Niall said rubbing my little bump .
" oh and where heading back in the bus tomorrow so I'm gonna pack while you sleep " . Niall said standing up and rummaging through the closest .
" no your not " . I said standing up .
" iz it will take me two minits so just you two get some rest " . Niall said pulling mine and his suit cases out .
" why does this allways have to happen ?!" . I said sighing and sitting on the edge of the bed .
" what allways have to happen ?" . Niall said turning around and frorrowing his eyebrows .
" we getting into shit like Brittany and then something dramatic happening , why carnt it just allways be easy " . I said putting my head in my hands .
Niall walked over to me and stood in frount of me .
" babe because life's a bitch and we have to take the challenges and succeed " . Niall said grabbing my hands and kissing me on the lips .
" I love you niall " . I said hugging him .
" I love you too isobell " . Niall said back staring into my eyes .Please vote
Please please please comment on what I should add next chapter
If you do I'll mention you in the next chapter xxPotatoes x

Immortal ( niall horan fanfiction )
FanfictionIsobell is a bubblie lovely girl with brown hair and hazel eyes . She loves emo music , rock and heavy mental . She HATES one direction , she dispises them in evey single way . But now she has to live with them ...... And keep there secret .