I spend the remainder of the long night sharing stories with the Dwarves as we wait for the others. Some tell me of the times they explored the Blue Mountains when they first arrived and the Elvin kingdoms they stumbled upon. Others tell me about how they ended up here. When they eventually run out of tales, I tell them the about the times I ventured all the way to Mirkwood on quests for Lord Elrond and how King Thranduiel himself once summoned me for a mission after he saw me fight. The blonde Dwarf does not take his eyes off me.
They wager I cannot recite all their names after hearing them only once, I get every last one right with barely any hesitation.
Of course, they argue that I didn't. That I missed their name or mispronounced it.
"Again! You weren't even close with mine!" One- Gloin- bellows from one side of the group.
"You completely butchered my name!" Bofur insists from the other end.
I recite them again, quickly but clearly, pointing to each Dwarf as I say their name. "Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Kili, Fili."
The blonde one- Fili- smiles under his beard as I get every last name correct a second time. "You forgot two." He states smoothly.
"There are eleven of you here, I enumerated eleven names."
"There are 13 Dwarves in Rivendell on this fine evening." A few of the others chuckle and nudge each other as they catch on.
I raise the corner of my mouth in a small smile. "Thorin Oakenshield."
"One more." He raises a brow at me.
"Well, following the theme of everyone else's names, and knowing that no one has a name the rhymes with Dwalin's... The other must be one which ends in 'alin'." I pause, thinking, calculating. "I'll guess the Dwarf with the white hair is named Balin."
The Dwarves stare at me, wide eyed. Even Dwalin seems a little surprised from his seat atop a chest further from the group. Fili tilts his head toward the sky and laughs loudly, which sets the others off as well. I can't help but titter a little.
Lindir enters the room through the door whence he left earlier followed by Lord Elrond and the others.
I immediately cease my laughter and stand, along with the Dwarves. I heed Thorin's disgusted stare on me as I focus my attention to my Lord.
"Lord Elrond." I say, slightly too rigidly, bowing my head.
"Leriel, speak with me, please." He replies, holding out a hand, gesturing away from the Dwarves surrounding me.
I stalk to the arched window on the other side of the room, Lord Elrond following behind and Thorin and Gandalf behind him.
"My Lord?" I ask, waiting for whatever was to come.
"I have a task for you." Thorin grunts at that, crossing his arms.
I raise my chin a little higher, stand a little straighter. Completely ready to serve my Lord.
"You know the passages to Mirkwood better than most," He speaks to me, but I can tell his words are also partly pointed at Thorin. "I also trust your judgement unconditionally. So, I am tasking you with leading this company to the boarders of Mirkwood which they can then find their own way through."
I stare at Lord Elrond, unable to speak.
Heeding my shock, Gandalf speaks. "We do not know these lands. I assure you we will ask you to lead us no further than the Woodland realm."
I still struggle to find my voice.
"A deal has been set so this quest is already determined." Lord Elrond looks straight down into my eyes. "You will lead them to Mirkwood, and you will return here once the task is complete." He turns on his heel back to the rest of the company. Thorin follows after giving me one last snarl.
I turn to look up at Gandalf. "Thorin clearly does not want me on this journey."
"Thorin will just have to take it in stride." He replies, rocking on his heels.
"Why am I really joining you on this quest?" I say after a few beats. I tilt my head to the right slightly, questioning him. "Are you leaving the company?"
Gandalf only gives me a grim look- which speak volumes- before striding back toward the group.
I turn towards the open archway looking out towards the river, closing my eyes and letting the cool night breeze seep through my hair. Something about it seems off, as if it is holding its breath. I open my eyes again.
There is something coming, something brewing on the horizon. I feel it in the shifts in the wind and the rustle of the trees. And when it finally rears its head, desolation will follow.

The Dragon's Throne (The Hobbit Fanfiction)
RandomHobbits are known for there harmonious lives and cheer filled celebrations. But one thing they are not avowed for is venturing beyond the borders of the shire. Leriel seemed an average elf. She respected the rules and served her Lord relentlessly. L...