{the window}

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10:34 am

I woke up in my bed and everyone else was on the floor in sleeping bags. Jack was on his phone. He looked at me and smiled. "Mornin' sunshine." Jack said getting up. I looked around for Sammy. "Where's Sammy?" I asked. "Downstairs." Jack told me taking a sip of his water. I nodded and tip toed downstairs. I saw Sammy making waffles. He put the waffles in the toaster and I started slowing walking towards him. He turned around with a big smile on his face and he lifted me up and spun me around.

I giggled as my hair hung over my face and on his head. "You thought you were quiet, huh?" He asked smirking setting me down on the couch. "Kinda." I laughed shrugging. "I made bacon, eggs, and the waffles are in the toaster." He said smiling as the toaster popped. He put the waffles on the plate. He put butter, and syrup on them.

He handed me the plate of 5 pieces of bacon, 2 waffles and some scrambled eggs. "Aww... Thanks!" I said kissing Sammy's cheek. He blushed and tried to hide his face. "Aw!" I heard Andrea say.

I looked up at the stairs and saw Andrea and Jack smiling at Sammy and I. Sammy looked up at them too and we both laughed slightly and rolled our eyes. "Wanna go to the mall later?" Andrea asked smiling. "Sure. Let me finish my food." I said with a mouth full of food. She laughed and walked away.

2:30 pm

I finished eating and I got my clothes on (pic above) and walked downstairs. "Oooo! You look nice." Andrea smirked. I smiled slightly and shrugged. "Ready?" Andrea asked us. We all nodded and I got in Kian's car along with Andrea and Jack. I sat in the passenger seat so Andrea and Jack had to sit in the back. "So are you and Sammy dating now?" Kian asked clenching his jaw as he started driving.

I looked at him confused. "No." I stated. "Do you like him?" Kian asked. "I dunno." I mumbled. Once we got to the mall I saw Jc get out of his car right next to us. I turned over and pulled one of Kian's jackets that was on the seat over my head. "What are you doing?" Kian whispered. "That's Jc!" I said rolling my eyes. "Aw damn." Jack said.

Jc got out of the car with a brown haired girl that had dark brown eyes and she was really skinny and short. He kissed her cheek and they walked in the mall. "Wow." Kian said rolling his eyes. We all got out of the car and walked to the other side of the mall. We walked in and went to Ruby Tuesday to eat. "Hi! I'm Maria and I'll be your sever!" The girl said.

She had wavy blonde hair that went down to her shoulders and she had dark blue/green eyes. She looked really familiar but I don't know where from. "Oh my god!" She squealed. "I know you!" She said pointing at me. "I know you from school AND I love ,love ,looovvvveee your videos!" She squealed again to me. "I remember you!" I smiled. Maria was my best friend from kindergarten until
9th grade when I moved away.

"Take my number so we can catch up." Maria smiled putting her contact in my phone. "Hey Kian!" Maria smiled giving Kian a hug. She also hugged Sammy since she knew him. I introduced everyone else and that was that. After we ate lunch and looked around a for a while we went back to the o2l house.

My birthday was coming up soon. Well kinda. 6 months. September 23rd, and I already have stuff planned. I'm going to sleep in. Watch a movie, go to the mall. Then just relax at home. "I'm gonna go home." I told everyone picking up my keys and my bag. "I'm going with you so nothing bad happens." Sammy whispered to me. "Bye!" Everyone said. I looked at Andrea. She smirked and winked at me. I smiled and went out to the car.

Once we got to my house I changed into gray sweat pants and a navy blue t-shirt. "Do you need clothes!" I yelled to Sammy. "Yeah!" "Okay come up here!" I heard him coming up the stairs. I walked into the guest room and got him black sweat pants and a white shirt. "These are Kian's." I said throwing the clothes at him. He walked in my room and started looking around. He saw one picture and laughed. "What?" I asked walking over to him. There was a picture of Sammy and I. He was carrying me to my pool to throw me in when we were 9 years old. I still had my clothes on. I was wearing denim shorts and a purple tank top. I looked terrified in the picture. "I remember that." I giggled. "You have all these pictures of just us on here?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. I had pictures of us from when we were born until his 18 birthday when we lost connection. All of the pictures went in a horizontal line and each age had that number over it. "For your 21st birthday I'll be taking a lot of pictures." I told him smirking. "I bet you will." He chuckled. He looked down at me and I looked up at him.

Then I heard a rock break my window.

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