(Will update it tomorrow morning. Please if reading tell me how you like the story so far).
Amherst manner is a mansion situated on the outskirts of Woodstock, a small town in the Canadian province of New Brunswick.
And Eric thought it was the perfect place for his family to restart their lives away from the pressures of Hollywood.He set off on a Monday with his family to Canada after filming his last scene for his last ever film. Luckily the director was filming the movie in Maine so it was a relatively short drive there.
His wife, Jane, was a stereotypical house wife. She was skinny, had dark blonde hair and she liked to shop. She didn't like moving to Canada one bit. It was cold, murky and and the sun hardly ever came out. Or at least that's what she thought.
Jamie was a small, skinny, glasses wearing 9 year old, a mathlete and all around nerd as far has his older sister Dani was concerned.
Danielle; or Dani as she preferred to be called, was your average 15 year old. She was constantly attached to her phone and was always finding ways to not do her homework.
The stress in Eric's life was beginning to show on his face. With his baggy eyes and stress lines on his forehead that showed when he wasn't wearing makeup.They were all in the car with a trailer lagging behind them for a few hours before they reached the mansion.
As soon as they pulled up to their new home they realised that someone was already there.
A woman who looked to be in a her late 30's stood outside of the house with a clip board in hand.Eric parked the car and got out greeting the stranger with a firm handshake.
"Mr Miller I am a huge fan! I am Laura your broker. I just need you to sign this form in person and the house will be yours!" The woman cried gleefully.
Eric sighed having gotten used to fan girls years ago.
He read over the papers whilst his family started to get out of the car.
He frowned when seeing it was a waiver of liability.
"Why do I have to sign this?" He asked carefully, clicking the pen he was given on and off a couple of times.
"Erm..." Laura looked skittish and rubbed the back of her neck, chuckling nervously before continuing, "well you see the house is haunted. And the last residents apparently died from fright".
"Cool!", Jamie exclaimed whilst Eric pulled a face at the woman as if to say 'are you serious?!'.
Laura sighed and pushed the clipboard slightly towards the other.
"Please just do it", she pleaded in a weak voice.
Though still a little confused as to why the realtors were making him sign such a document he signed it anyway.
After Laura left with a quick thank you and the deeds and the keys to the house Jane came over with a large cardboard box.
She shoved the box into her husbands arms and hissed, "You bought a haunted house?!"
Eric rolled his eye. He forgot how superstitious his wife could be sometimes.
"Don't be stupid Jane. There's no such thing as ghosts! We'll be fine"
Jane just huffed and went to the trunk of the car to get another box.
They walked to the front door where their children were already waiting. Jamie was bouncing up and down on the tip of his toes, "Come on, come on already I want to go in the haunted house"
Eric sighed and rolled his eyes again, "It's not haunted Jamie"
Eric struggled with the keys for a few minutes trying to find the right one before finally opening the door with a huge, old fashioned bronze key.
As soon as the door opened Jamie barged in and started to run around the house like an excited puppy.
"Jamie!" Eric chided whilst walking in and dropping the box near the foyers stairs.
The foyer was large and open. As soon as you walked through the mansions door you were greeted with a grand staircase that split off into two half way up.
It was a dark oak and apparently extremely creaky because as soon as Jamie took a step onto it, it groaned so loud Jane rushed towards Jamie thinking the step was going to cave in and snap the small boys ankle.

The house on the hill.
HorrorEric Miller; a famous movie star, has moved his family to Canada to start a new life away from all the glamour and fame. But unbeknownst to him, he has moved his family into on of the most haunted houses in the world. Will the family survive the ho...