Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As dusk fell, Ava had an uneasy feeling in her stomach, this was her last night as a human. Her last night in this house, and her last night as a single woman. Caelan had already made it clear he wanted more than to turn her into what he was. He wanted her by his side, and in his bed, and she couldn’t help it but, she liked the idea of being in his bed.

She glanced towards the stairs wondering when he would appear, the sun had settled in the sky now and it had been dark for well over an hour, but he still hadn’t appeared. She stood up and walked up the stairs towards her bedroom. She pushed the door open nervously, the beautiful masculine scent was still lingering in her room but he was no where to be seen. He had left without as much as a word to her. She felt hurt that he hadn’t even said goodbye, she shook her thoughts away and went over to her closet. She wasn’t going to think about it, he would be back he had said she could have a night to herself, it was obviously just his way of allowing her the night of freedom.

She searched through her clothes and finally decided on a short black dress, it was minimal but sexy and showed all of her curves. She showered and pulled on matching black red lacy underwear before she pulled the sleeveless black dress over her head. She smoothed the dress down and sat back down in front of the mirror, her skin was glowing, she looked happy for the first time in a long time.

She applied her makeup, and curled her long black hair, draping it over one shoulder and clipping it into place before she called a taxi to take her to purple moon. She knew he drank there, but hoped that he wouldn’t be there tonight. As she made her way to the taxi that was waiting outside she thought about how nice it had been to share her bed with a man again, and a gorgeous, strong man at that. He was everything she could have ever wanted in a man, everything she had ever dreamed about, minus the tattoos, but they worked for him.

She told the driver to take her to the club and relaxed back into the taxi, she was looking forward to a good night out. Some drinks, a dance maybe and then sleeping in her bed for the last time, not that she would remember that part, she planned on getting so drunk she would only just about make it home.

“That will be six pounds sweetheart, have a good night,” the taxi driver said as he stopped outside the club.

She paid him and got out of the taxi, “Thank you,” she said as he handed her change to her and she put it into her purse.

The queue to get into the club was building up and she quickly got into line with the other people who were barely dressed and shivering like idiots in the cold December air. She wouldn’t have to worry about feeling cold for much longer she thought as she watched the queue become smaller, she wouldn’t have to worry about illness, or death or wrinkles.

“Can I see your I.D madam,” the bouncer said as he looked her up and down, his eyes stopping at her breasts and lingering there until he decided to look at her face.

“Here,” she snapped shoving the I.D into his hand.

He nodded and handed the I.D back to her, lifting the rope and allowing her into the club. It was packed out, the dance floor was heaving with people and she struggled to get through the crowd as they danced, and bounced around the dance floor.

When she got to the bar she ordered a drink and waited for the barman to bring it to her. A man pulled a chair up next to her and cleared his throat, for a moment she expected it to be Caelan but was pleased when it was just a normal man. Well anyone was normal compared to that sex god she had woken up with this morning she thought with a smile.

“You have a beautiful smile,” he told her as he leaned closer. “ Allow me to pay for that drink,” the man said as he waved the barman down to him.

Ava didn’t refuse, although for a moment she felt a pang of gulit. It was as though she was cheating on Caelan, but then she reminded herself they weren’t in a relationship, he had no right to tell her what to do and what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. She accepted the drink from the man and smiled at him.

“Thanks,” she said sipping the double vodka and cola.

The man smiled back at her and drank some of his own drink, he put it down on the bar and held his hand out to her, “Derek,” he said. Ava took his hand and was shocked as he pulled her closer to him, “Umm I’m Ava,” she said in shock.

 “Care for a dance?” he asked. Ava raised her eyebrows at him and giggled, “It doesn’t look like I’ve got much choice does it.” She said as he dragged her towards the packed dance floor.


Caelan didn’t hold back the growl the rumbled through his chest, as he watched the slimy human man all over his woman. Dalton and Dex held him back as he stepped forward ready to tear the man from limb to limb, he eased back and held his hands up telling them he was cool. That was until the man put his hands on her back and they travelled down lower and lower, they didn’t hit the spot they were aiming for though as Caelan flew at him and took him off his feet slamming him into the bar. Glasses crashed to the floor smashing, sending ice cubes and shards of glass flying everywhere. There were screams and gasps as Caelan pummelled the man’s face with his fists, he could hear a woman screaming his name and he knew who it was, but he wasn’t listening. Right now he needed to teach the piece of shit that had touched what belonged to him a lesson.

“Dex put everyone in a trance except the girl,” Dalton ordered as he attempted to pull Caelan from the bloodied man.

He had seen Caelan’s temper hundereds of times, but this was something else entirely. This was Caelan protecting his woman, well that’s what he thought he was doing, really he was downright jealous that another man has so much as breathed in her direction.

“Leave it Cae, he’s half dead,” Dalton said pulling him away.

Caelan stepped back and turned around, only to be met with a sharp slap across his cheek, “What the hell is wrong with you. You said I could have one night and then you turn up and beat up an innocent man for dancing with me!” Ava screamed.

Caelan palmed his cheek where she had slapped him and bared his fangs to her, she cowered away from him realising her mistake. Especially when she saw the look on the face of the vampire they called Dalton he looked scared for her.

She was about to apologise when Caelan grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder roughly, “Sort this mess out, and get that bleeding human out of here before I finish him,” he told Dalton.

Ava beat her fists against his back as he carried her outside to a car, he opened the door and threw her inside. She opened her mouth to argue but he put her in a trance rendering her unconscious for the duration of the journey. He was in no mood to be screamed at by her, she was going to hate him even more when they got to his house and he marked her. That was the last time she threw herself at a human man, or any man for that matter.

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