One | The Past

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November 9, 2000

"It's a girl," the nurse said, handing the woman her newborn baby. "She's beautiful," the mother whispered, starting at her baby in awe. "Do you have a name for her?" The nurse asked. The mother nodded, "I'll name her Chloe."

November 8, 2005 • Chloe's POV

"Morning, baby girl," My mom said as I ran into the kitchen. "Morning mom!" I yelled happily, as I took my seat at the kitchen table. "Tomorrow's a special day!" My mom said, placing my pancakes in front of me. I nodded happily as I started to eat them. "It's your fifth birthday!" She said clapping her hands together. I smiled with a mouth full of pancakes and my mother laughed.

"Do you have everything for school?" She asked placing my lunchbox on the table. "Yes." I smiled, sliding out of my seat.

All of a sudden the front door burst open, I jumped backwards a little bit into my mom. A man, dressed in black, point something at us. "Give me all of your valuables," his voice was deep and raspy. "NOW!" He shouted. My mother pushed me behind her. "There u-up in my room." She stuttered.

A loud ringing filled the room, something metal clattered. My mother collapsed back on to me. I managed to move over. I saw blood coming out of her and spilling onto the floor. I sat frozen in place as the man swept the house grabbing things and shoving them into bags.

As the man was leaving the house, I heard shouting at the front door. "HANDS UP!" Someone yelled. I peeped out from behind the counter in the kitchen. There were police men there pointing things at the man. One of them grabbed the man and put metal handcuffs on his wrists, dragging him out of the house. The other one walked inside. Lights flashed outside. I moved out from behind the counter. He turned around and saw me standing next to my mother who wasn't moving. Why wasn't she moving?

The man walked over to me and picked me up. "I've got the girl, call an ambulance her mother's bleeding out!" He shouted as he walked out with me at his hip. I looked back in the house, what was happening?

November 9, 2005

I woke up in a new place. It had more beds with other girls sleeping in them, and it was very plain compared to my room in my house, which was pink and decorated with pretty paintings.

Then I remembered today was my birthday, and my face lit up. I couldn't wait to see my mom and eat my birthday cake later.

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