Chapter 10
The next day was Satirday and I went out with my friends because - hey! It was Saturday and I didn't have a competition. We did all of that normal girly stuff like shopping and going to Starbucks. Kendall was home all day and he went in search of my mother. I tried to keep that off my mind though.
Anyway, while I was with my friends we got talking about grades. "I'm failing science." I proudly say. "Woohoo! Welcome to the fail club!" Ellie says, holding up her hand for a high-five. But deep down inside in horrified to have a grade as low as a 60! "No." I say seriously. Ellie is the type who is used to failinf, but somehow she pulls through to the next grade. Don't ask me how - I think it's some sort of magic. But like I said, failing is second nature. "I have a 92 in that class." Maria says. She's smart - no lie. That's all there is to it. "I'm failing all my classes!" Jamie exlaims. i don't even know how to describe her without making it sound like I don't like her.
Anyway it was a pretty good day, until I got a text from Kendall:
Kendall: Come home N.O.W.
"Jeez, be there soon Mr. Moodypants" I reply.
By the time I got there, he was frantically pacing in the living room. "What are you doing?" I ask, really confused. "Trying to figure out how to tell you this. Sit down." he says, and we both do. "Kendall you're scaring me." I tell him. He was supposed to find my mother, And now he's acting all crazy. YOU HAD ONE JOB. "What's going on?! Why are you all crazy? Where is my mother?!" I start freaking out too. He grabs my wrists to get me to calm down. "Chill for a second." he says.
"You're mother was checked into rehab on Monday because she almost comitted suicide."
Excuse that bug authors note in the middle
i had some "friend" totally bash me in a story of hers.
We arent friends anymore XD

I Found You
FanfictionAfter Tessa is beaten by her mom's boyfriend she is dropped off at someone's doorstep. But not just anyone's. Kendall Schmidt finds her and ends up having to take care of her. But what else will happen between these two? Only time will tell....