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❞If people say that love, at first sight, is too cliché to be true, then I would say sometimes cliché too happens...

By - The Author Of This Very Book ;)



Copyright © Suganthii 2015 A LOAN OF FIVE RUPEES

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where it is permitted by law.

Long thing short, I'll personally castrate you if you dare to plagiarize my story. And I am damn true to my intention, so don't even try to copy even a single line.


This is the second book in the series: Destined To Be

Please check out my profile to get more details.

The names, characters, and incidents mentioned in the story are purely fictional. For authenticity, the author has used names of some real places and institutions as they represent cultural icons of today and aid storytelling. There is no intention to imply anything else. It will be a mere coincidence.

Again, long thing short, the places and institutions I have used in this story are real but that doesn't mean I am snooping around India. I am an author and tend to write after good research about places and characters I will use. It's not a fantasy to create my world. But there are a few things that would be purely fictional as Google Maps and Images don't show everything inside an institute or a place!


Nope, this story is not R-rated or has any kind of mature content.

But yeah, you can find some grammatical errors or typos.

I have tried to re-edit after eight years (in 2024) and hopefully, it's way better than before.

Kindly help me by commenting on my errors in the paragraph itself and if you can't then bear it or leave reading because I'll not tolerate any rude comment leashed here!

The main plot/story takes place between 2010 to 2015, so in the future, the cultural and social references will change (like they change always) and a few things won't make sense for the readers who might read it in the coming years. Please understand I write stories to show romance and love, as originally as possible with details to whatever period and section of people I am writing about. This means that if I am writing about an Indian lower-middle-class family in 2010, some of their perspective and habits won't make sense to poor/rich people living in 2025, yes, I do my research well.

(I have added this particular part as I have seen a lot of people commenting about how foolish some acts look, for example- throwing garbage in random places, PDAs, and other stuff. For the past eight years, I have been very silent as I haven't used Wattpad much but whenever I come here, I see at least two comments saying- "Oh! She is throwing garbage everywhere, so irresponsible", yes, I know about it and probably my character will learn in future but for that period it was a very normal act.)

That said, I am not normalizing or glorifying any act as such, my intentions are to stay true to character and not show idealistic behavior.

Thanks for your understanding!


Started: September 2015

Completed: December 2015

Edited: First Edit: March 2016, Final Edit: March 2024

Happy reading


-First Draft, completely unedited (In chapter this might have a different flow)-

"Excuse me.", he heard her and opened his eyes in shock.


"Umm...Your money.", she said, "For that tea."

She raised her right hand, a crisp Ten rupee note clutching in it, and forwarded it toward him.

He stared at her- literally- just stared at her face, then at her hand and back to her face, "But I don't have a change.", he shrugged while saying.

"It's okay. You can return it when we meet... Again...", she said.

Nodding his head, he accepted the money, and amid that process, their fingers grazed each other. He felt a zing of something and she recoiled.

The dark green landscape with a mesh of tracks ended and a concrete floor started to emerge. He peeked out of the door and found a whiteboard denoting that to be 'PLATFORM 6'.

"Nice to meet you.", he turned his head listening to her reply.

She was smiling, a smile so genuine that he wanted to cherish it all his life, a smile so beautiful that he found himself drowning in it, a smile so desirable that he wanted to turn into a selfish jerk and keep it to himself.

And their train halted...


In the hustle-bustle of the Twenty-First Century, where everyone forgets about themself, two people experience their most beautiful encounter with each other. But, is this encounter enough to spark something between them? What'll happen when they meet back, after five years of their tantalizing experience, in a different circumstance?

No one is too enchanting to be remembered,
But miracles do happen...


Enjoy Reading This Story


As Wattpad is soon shutting down the messaging feature, I have made an Instagram page (Well, I had made it long back for digital scrapbooking, but yeah...) for you guys to follow and rant your heart out about how I am being mean with my characters XD

The handle is- aestheticallymusical

P. S. You guys can ping me with other doubts too, like career advice or just to chat. If I am free, I would love to talk with you guys!

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