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I began to cry and yell for help. Many nurses swarmed into the room. One grabbed me and began to pull me out of the room as I screamed Emma's name. “Sir, please calm down!” the nurse said as she pushed me farther away. I yelped at my failed attempts to get around her and get back to my Emma. I felt to set of strong arms pull me back.

“Louis!” I heard Harry below.

“Mate, just take a breath, there's nothing you can do right now!” Liam shouted as he pushed me into a chair. The nurse that had been holding me back was still standing there and I looked back up at her with a tear-stained face and collected myself, “Is she going to be okay?”

“Not too much I can tell you right now, but I will let you know as soon as I find out any information.” she said in a hazed tone.

“Thank you.” Harry spoke for me as she walked away.

~*~*~*~2 DAYS LATER


I was once again in the forest, but this time there was no snow. Oddly there was not an animal or flower in sight either, just grass and many tall pine trees. And this time I was in a long black dress like something warn to a masquerade ball, but still no shoes. The sky lit a bright white with no cloud or sun in sight. That was strange it was so bright....but there was no sun. I heard someone say my name and startled, I turned on my heels. There was a slender woman about mid twenties with black short, bowl-cut hair and glistening light yellow eyes. She wore a gray shirt with a frilled collar, brown blazer, and black dress pants. She was holding a large pocket watch in her hand.

“Who are you, and why am I here?” I questioned.

“My name is Tessa, you were in a bad accident and this is your purgatory, your in between, I am a reaper and I'm here to take you onto the other side.” she replied as she looked down at the large pocket watch.

“My in between? What do you mean by take me to the other side?”

“You know. Die, move on.”

“Oh hell no! I ain't dyin I can't, I have my sister and Louis...Nikki, the boys.”

“Sorry, hun, everybody says that at first, but it's your time.”

“I'm not going with you, I'm not ready to move on, or whatever. I have unfinished business.”

“You have too.”

“Like hell.”

“Well, there is a loop whole,” she looked down at her watch, “But you'll have to go now.”

“Go where?”

“Start running till you reach a cliff and jump and you'll will be able to go back to your loved ones.”

“Jump? Off a cliff?”

“Yes! But hurry! Go now, before my boss comes!”

I took her warning and began to sprinted in the direction she pointed me in. I didn't look back, just kept going faster and faster. Finally when I thought I might pass out, I reached a clearing and ran to the edge. There it was.....the cliff. I took a terrified glance down and took a deep breath. I had to get back to Louis, had to see him again. Feel his embrace again. I swallowed my fear and jumped. i felt the wind wip my face and pull my hair as i fell faster, faster. I almost hit the water....


My eyes shot open, there was no more tube in my throat or unfamiliar thing on my face. My body still ached all over, but I was glad to fill the pain because it meant I was alive. I looked a round the room. There was no one there. I wanted to see Lou and make sure my sister was okay. I heard someone enter. I looked up with what little strength I had, Justin wired-eyed walked in carrying a coffee. “Justin.” I managed to whisper with a jagged breath. “Emma!” his dazed look shot up and his eyes met with mine. “Hey.” I smiled. He hugged me and pain shot through me, I yelped lightly and he released his grip on me.

“Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just so happy your alright.” I replied with a smile.

“Is River okay?'

“Yeah, she went down with Louis to get some food, she has been worried sick about you. We finally made her go get somethin to eat.”

“Thanks for y'all lookin out for her. So you met Lou and the boys?”

“Sure did. Why didn't you tell me you found someone else the other night?”

“I didn't know how you would handle it and I wanted to tell you in person.”

“Oh, I'm glad you've found someone. Does he make you happy?”

“More than anything.”

“Well then that's all I worry about.”

“Thanks, Justin...for everything.”

“Makes up for all the times I wasn't there for you.”

“It wasn't your fault.”

“Yeah, I know, but I could've done more.”

“It's okay.”

“Thanks. I'm going to go get Riff I bet she's gonna flip when she hears from you and I'm sure you want to see Louis.”

“Yeah, Thanks again Justin.”

“No problem.” he kissed my forehead and strode out of the room.

If only I could get up and move on my own. But I was definitely sure I had a broken leg and arm. My leg didn't hurt nearly as much as my arm, maybe it wasn't that bad. At least that's what I told myself because I wanted to walk again so badly. As soon as I possibly could.

My heart fluttered at the thought of being able to see Lou and get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes and feel his warm, soft lips. I don't know if I'd ever be able to tell him what happened while I was out. Or if anyone for that matter, not sure they would believe me. All I was focused on right now was being able to see him and feel his irresistible touch or see his resplendent smile. I lied there in the bed and beamed at the glowering thought. I could not wait. All the pain I felt as my broken body ached was forgotten when his eyes met with mine as he entered the room.


For all my Supernatural fans out there, Tessa is Dean's reaper to give y'all and idea...hope you liked it...Vote, Comment! I love to hear from y'all. and i know my chapters are short and some suck, but bare with me :) Love you my Carrots!!! song for Chapter~6 Breaking Benjamin "Rain".

Love, Deanna xx

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