Sue, I missed you♥

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Dear diary

I'm feeling lost and sad again, I just don't know what to do, I'm drowning, I can't breathe even, today I went school but nothing felt like before, I was sad, I'm sad, I'm feeling like nothing is right, it's been a while that I feel like this, like crappie, I'm not feeling, I don't know why, I need somebody who could understand me, that hug me thigh, that make me happy again, it's getting cold, I mean the love that I feel, I feel like she don't want me, don't love me or need someone like me in her life, I feel like she is tired of me, maybe that's why don't talk me, or ignore me, and it feels like a million knifes broking my heart, it feels like the end, and if she want leave me, I'm not going to stop her, she knows it, I need that she tell me if she still loving me or not, because I don't know if I could survive if my heart breaks again...

I'll go to sleep, hoping that this fucking day go away and disappear, I'm feeling super super suicidal...

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