In this moment my handy rang. I picked it up without looking onto the display.
“Ya?” I said a bit pissed.
“Jojo? Where are you?” I recognised the voice. It was Niall. I had forgotten about my date with Niall at Starbucks. Oh no!
“Niall I’m so so so sorry! I had to speak to Fran about something really important and then a police man told… Eeeh, I’m sorry? Can meet later?” I was really sorry.
“Sure? Wanna meet at Nandos? I can pick you up if you want.” Niall asked politely.
Niall and I talked about our lives and he was really sweet.
He asked me if I would like to meet up more often and I told him I would love to.
FRIENDZONE!! I hoped it would be more then friendship and I already knew it would be more than friends. I could feel it in my veins.
On Saturday I drove alone to the airport and was really excited about seeing Emma even though I was still grumpy.
I parked the car outside of the building and looked onto my watch. Shit! I was late; Emma’s airplane had landed 40 minutes ago. I hoped I would find her in this big building.
I rushed over to one of the counters and asked where I could find the arrivals lounge.
She handed me a map of the airport and I started to walk into the direction of the arrivals.
I saw her waiting with her luggage. A big smile appeared on her face as she saw me.
I greeted her with a warm hug and took one of her suitcases. Jeez, this suitcase was really heavy. “Sorry about that” Emma said and gave me a small smile.
“No problem, I understand that you need many clothes cause you’re staying for one year.”
“Haha yeah and I’m really excited!” She smiled widely.
Back at home I received a message from Niall:
Hey babe!
Wanna come to a party?
Would love to but what’s about Emma?
xx Jojo
Take her with you!
See you later, love!
After Niall sent me the address, Emma and I started to get ready for an awesome night.
I was really sure that we weren’t coming home this night, so I decided to inform my mother.
Since the death of my brother she was really cool and she allowed me a lot of things.
We took a taxi cause I wasn’t sure how to get my car back on the next day.
We arrived at the address we went into the house. I took some shots and after 6 shots my head was kind of blurry. I started to look out for Niall and forgot about Emma.
*Emma’s pov*
I sighed, sipping my coke - straight coke, no alcohol - at a party. Jojo dragged me here but ditched me as soon as we arrived. I had no idea whose party it was; there are only some familiar faces. Like the members of One Direction and Little Mix.
“You’re alright, babe?” A person asked from my right. I turned and smiled at the boy. It was Zayn. I had got a crush on him for quite a while. “Yeah, fine.” I said.
I could smell the alcohol radiating off him. He started to sway, chuckling a bit before stumbling forward.
I quickly grabbed him, dropping my drink on the process. “I guess I’m really falling for you!” He joked, smiling happily at me. I rolled my eyes, holding him steady before looking down at my shoes. I sighed, looking up at Zayn. “I’m Zany!” he said, smiling and holding his hand out, like I wouldn’t know who he was. “Emma.” I said. He nodded, taking my hand and shaking it.“Leme get you a new drink,” He said, stumbling off.
I sighed, following him.“What do you like?” he asked, slurring his words a bit. “Just coke,” I told him. He nodded, pouring me some coke and handing it to me. I took a sip and smiled tightly at him.
A few hours later I was drunk. Very, very drunk. I could barely see straight, but I kept my eyes on Zayn anyway. “Z-Zayn,” I said, giggling at the way my lips formed his words. He laughed with me, leaning on me for support.
We both fell over, giggling like school girls. “Alright, Zayn and… girl,” a voice said from behind me. Someone picked me up, swinging me into their arms. “Whoa! I’m not that easy!” I said, giggling again. The person chuckled. “I know, sweetheart. I’m bringing you to Zayn’s room, for you to sleep.” he told me. My lips formed an O, then I let out a yawn. “I guess I am pretty…. pretty tired,” I said, smiling at the boy. The only thing I could get right is his brown hair.
“Thanks!” I called when he placed me in a bed. Zayn was being carried in like a princess and was dropped onto the bed. “Zaynieeee! You’re a princess!” I said happily, laughing at how funny my joke was. “I think I am,” he said, his face showing the realisation. I giggled, laying down in the bed.
“This is comfy,” I mumbled, rolling over and facing Zayn. He smiled lazily at me, letting out a yawn. “Night, Emm.” he said, closing his eyes. “Night,” I said before the blackness overcame me.
I woke up to a huge thud. My head was pounding and I felt sick. I looked up and saw a black-haired boy on the ground.
My eyes widened and I immediately looked down at my body, which was dressed in a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. I let out a sigh of relief, looking back at Zayn.
“… Emma?” he asked, looking back at me. Shit. He knows my name. Shit, shit shit! “… Yes.” I said cautiously. He smiled at me. “I’ll make breakfast!” he said excitedly, jumping up and leaving the room. Dafuq?
I got up and shuffled out of the room. I put my hair in a messy bun and headed to where I heard voices. “I’m sorry, but I’m missing something,” I said, walking in. There was Zayn, and one with curly brown hair… in only his boxers, Harry of course.
“… but I’m okay with it.” I said, smiling cheekily. Harry cocked an eyebrow, smirking playfully. He nudged the black-haired one, whispering something to him.
“Okay, so I don’t remember anything that happened last night.” I said, sitting down at a counter. “So, I’ll need some water, advil and food.” I said. Harry left the room and Zayn smiled nicely at me, getting me some water and moving to the stove.
“I really don’t remember anything,” I said to the boy, biting my lip. He turned to me and shrugged. “It’s fine, I’m Zayn. That’s Harry. We both got really drunk last night, nothing happened.” he said. I nodded, cause I already knew their names and I just wanted to know what happened between me and Zayn.
Harry came back and gave me two advils. I smiled, swallowing them with some water before finishing the cold drink. I felt a little better already.
“Wait, how are you not hung over?” I asked, slightly angry. He smiled sheepishly. “I, uh, can hold my drinks?” he asked, smirking a bit now. I rolled my eyes, letting my head fall onto my arms and my eyes closing.
“You like pancakes?” Zayn asked after a few minutes. I heard Harry leave and I looked up at him. I nodded, smiling a bit as he placed a huge plate in front of me.
“So, um… I was wondering if maybe you’d, I mean only if you want, if you’d like to um…” he trailed off, awkwardly poking at his pancakes. He looked up at me and I sent him an amused smile as he tried to ask me out.
“Like to what, Zayn?” I asked teasingly. He blushed a deep shade of red, looking down at his pancakes. He suddenly looked back up at me and blurted out, “Go out sometime. Would you go out sometime? With me?” he asked and smiled.
I smiled widely and nodded. “Sure thing, Zayn.” I said, continuing to eat my pancakes. He just asked me if I would go out with him some day. Oh my gosh, I was the happiest girl on earth right now.
“I’d love to.”

A real love story [Niall Horan Fan-Fiction]
FanfictionWhat happens if you meet One Direction? What happens if you get into a huge fight with your best friend, your soul mate? What happens if someone gets pregnant? What happens if your life is a total mess? She met One Direction. She fell in love with N...