The first star

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"My beautiful daughter you will be the one to change history. You will be the one. I love you no matter what happens." Those were the last words of my father ringing in my mind. What does he mean? "You will be the one to change history." What does that mean? My thoughts stopped as the doorbell rang. " Who is it!" I asked. No answer."Hello!" Still no reply. I opened the door to see no one there. Just as I was about to close the door my boyfriend,Jake, put his hand on the door stopping it from closing. I don't know why I like him . Maybe it's because his blonde hair or his blue eyes maybe it's his personality sweet,funny,cute,login,and a awesome boyfriend. But I still like somebody else even though I have a awesome boyfriend I just can't stop loving Wes. Wes had caramel brown hair and vibrant blue eyes very tall and muscular. I could tell Jake was concerned by the look on his face so I broke the silence. "So what are you doing here Jakey?The look on his face turned sour. "Told you not to call me that!" I stuck my tongue out and started running even though I knew it was no use he was the quarterback. I took about three running steps before he caught me.

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