"Did you see our new math teacher yet?" Emily asked me on our way to first period. I was just about to answer her when I smacked into someone. I stumbled backwards and dropped my books. Good job Taylor. Your first day of school and you already embarrassed yourself. I sighed and rubbed my forehead.
"Im so sorry love. I wasn't paying attention!" The sound of a beautiful british accent danced through my ears. I looked up to see who ran me over when our eyes met. His were almost hypnotizing. He had curly brown hair and amazing lips. Everything about him was flawless. He was pretty damn attractive.
"Here let me help you!" He said helping me back to my feet. I blushed. Oh god did he see that? He bent over and retrieved all of my books for me. Not once did he break eye contact. I was mesmerized by his eyes. I smiled slightly and he offered me his hand.
"Im Harry Styles, your new math teacher. But I'm pretty sure you're supposed to call me Mr. Styles." He laughed. I accepted his hand and giggled.
"Im Taylor...but Im pretty sure your supposed to call me Taylor!" I joked. Did he just blush? Jesus christ. We both laughed as we started walking away.
"See you in class Taylor!" He smirked. I was frozen. Did that just happen?
"I think I have an answer to your question." I said to Emily.
"Dude, he is beyond sexy and he just flirted with you! Did you see him blush!?! Oh my god!" She said excitedly. I looked over at her and smirked.
"Maybe this year will be fun after all."

Mr. Styles
RomanceTaylor Matthews is a normal seventeen year old girl. She passes all of her classes, shows up to school everyday and is pretty well known. She thinks her junior year is going to suck. That is until she ran into Mr. Styles. Her new Math teacher. Maybe...