Next day at school...
Vincent P.O.V.
Well another day of school. And yesterday since I officially found my mate. I will not have sex until it's with Victoria.
"Hey Vincent, baby. Are we still up for Thursday" a girl comes up to me and asks.
Oh shit. Harder then I thought. But I will not break.
"Nah" I tell her.
"How about next week" she asks.
"Nope" I tell her.
"When" she asks.
"Never" I say walking away.
Free pussy has gone out the window. Throughout the day about six more girls asked me when we're doing it. I said no to every single one of them.
'Great job Vincent. Such a great start to get our mate's trust' I hear Andre.
'Shut up, you know you enjoyed them just as much as I did' I said to him through my mind.Jade P.O.V.
Today volleyball is in the weight room. Time to get more muscle. We had partners with us to help out with lifting. First I only picked up 50 pounds. Too light.
"Hey can you give me another 50 pounds" I asks my partner.
She simply puts another 50 pounds on the dumbbell. I lift it and it was still too light.
"Hey I'm sorry, but can you add another 50" I ask.
My partner once again adds another 50. It was still too light...
"Hey, can you add 100 pounds... I can seem to focus when this stuff is top light" I tell her.
"But you'll be lifting 250 pounds" she said sounding confused.
"Please" I ask.
She shake her head and adds 100 pounds. She simply stand there trying to see if I can actually lift it. And like a feather I lifted the 250 pounds with ease.
"How did you do that" she asks.
"I don't know. I just lift" I tell her....Sasha P.O.V.
I lay beside Oliver in my bed. We skipped school and be alone today. I lift up to up at him.
"New position" I tell him.
"Alright. What position" he says.
"Reverse cowgirl" I tell him.
He look away from me and frowns.
"What's wrong" I says sitting up and crossing my arm.
"We should cut down on the sex" he tells me.
"What? Why" I ask.
"Every time we use a condom. It breaks and after it breaks we stop caring. We're always going raw. And one day me pulling out will not work. I don't want you to get pregnant" he tells me.
"We're mates anyway" I tell him.
"We maybe mates, but we haven't graduated school yet. I haven't even marked you yet and we're not married. Your family already doesn't like me and if I get you pregnant they'll take you away from me" he says.
"Baby, I don't care about my family when it comes to you. If they loved me they would except you as my mate. But if you want to cut down the sex a little, I will agree. Just for you" I say to him.
"Thank you" he says.
"But... How about another round for the road" I say while climbing on top of him.
He looks up at me for a second. Then quick grabs my waist and flips me over to my back, making his hip rest between my legs. He rubs my thighs softly. He sits there and look away probably trying to fight the urge. While he does that I reach for that long dick of his and slowly stroke it. He look me in the eye. He eyes turn from beautiful grey to dark brown. I give him a smile; speeding up my stroking. He gives me a low growl then kisses me roughly. He pulls back and looks at me again.
"Fuck it" he says through his teeth. He kisses my neck and found that perfect spot to sink his teeth. It hurt for a good ten seconds and the pain subsided. After that we just had some good rough sex.Jade P.O.V.
School's over now time to go to work. I have to make up hours so I won't get fired.
I've been working for a good 2 hours. But out of nowhere this woman walks in with her clothes ripped and she was covered in dirt. She walks up to the officer across from me.
"Um, ma'am what happened to you" he asks.
"I was attacked and raped" she cries.
"Woah" he says quickly standing up. "Take my chair ma'am" he continues and walks away to go get a report.
He quickly walks back.
"Now ma'am tell me everything that happened" he says starting to write.Prince P.O.V.
I'm at home, at first I came here hungry. Now I have the urge to draw. I grabbed a huge poster board and just drew. When I was done I couldn't believe what I just drew. I just drew a shewolf. She's naked but her long black hair is covering up certain stuff.
'She looks nothing like Jade' I hear Ezequiel.
"I wasn't trying to draw her" I tell him.
'Looks like it to me. You got the breast, ass, and hair right' he says.
"Fuck you" I tell him.
You already know I can't draw that well.
'You draw just fine. You should get more into it' he tells me.Jade P.O.V.
To this point I was standing up and listening to this ladies story.
She claims that she was first attacked by a wolf and that wolf turns into a human man.
"Ma'am maybe you were imagining that. It's impossible for a wolf to turn into a man. But please describe the man" the officer says.
"Okay.... He was a good 6'4. Probably at least 30 years old. With green eyes that just glowed in the darkness. Very muscular, he's white with his skin a little tanned. His hair was a clean cut. He had facial hair from the top of his lips going down to his chin" she decide.
Why does the looks of this man sound familiar... Wait. Raid! I walked over to my desk and sat down.
"Okay ma'am. Well an ambulance will be coming shortly to take you to the hospital. Over there, they will give you a rape kit" the officer says filing the report.
I can not believe this. What does he know about me. Did he do this on purpose to see how I would react? Thinking back, he was at my party. And Victoria was attacked and bitten.... Hold on. He turned Vicky... Oh shit. He's Vicky's master. He's really trying to get to me.Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for the prologue.

Werewolf Queen
Werewolfthis story is about a high school girl named Jade, just figures out that she's not only a werewolf but a werewolf queen. Throughout the story she makes new friends that soon becomes her pack and she meets the love of her life Prince... Not only is s...