Ancient Blood Chapter 6

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Vaclav watched the moonlit, night sky carefully. All was quiet, save for the sound of the small bat that Vaclav was watching with the utmost interest. The bat flew closer to Vaclav. Until it hovered about a foot away from him. Suddenly, a dark mist surrounded the bat, and it slowly changed to the form of a teenage girl.

"Well done, Luna" Vaclav said clapping. "Your flying coordination could use some work, but I think you have the basic idea". Luna smiled slightly. "Thank you" she said softly. Vaclav looked around in the sky. "The night is still young. Would you like me to teach you something else?" He said to Luna. Luna's deep red eyes widened, as did her smile. "Yes, please" she said enthusiastically. To be honest, Vaclav had not expected this girl to take to her vampiric existence so easily and happily. He half expected her to reject what she had become.

"Very well" Vaclav said. Suddenly his phone rang. Taking it out of his coat pocket, he saw that it was Vinnie, his employer. "Hello?" Vaclav answered.

"Hey Vaclav. Umm... where did you say you got this ring from?" Vinnie asked curiously. Vaclav suddenly remembered the ring that he had taken off of the man who tried to kill him.

"Off of someone who tried to kill me. Why?" Vaclav answered.

"Aw shit. Vaclav I'm gonna need you to get down here, fast". With that, Vinnie hung up the phone, leaving Vaclav wondering what was wrong.

"Change of plans. Were going to visit a friend of mine" Vaclav told Luna, who nodded.

Vaclav and Luna walked into the office room of Vinnie's restaurant.

"Ah, there you are Vaclav. The reason I called you-" Vinnie stopped once he saw Luna.

"I didn't know you had a kid" Vinnie said surprised. Vaclav and Luna exchanged looks. "She's not my child. She's another vampire. I'm training her" Vaclav told Vinnie, as Luna looked away.

"I see. Ya know, when I used to watch those old vampire movies when I was a kid, I would laugh at it, and say it wasn't real" Vinnie said as he searched through his desk.

"Anyway, I called you because I've got a lead on the guy that attacked you. See, there's this group of vampire hunters called "The Order of The Dawn" Apparently they have been around a long time, even before you turned". Luna gave Vaclav A worried look. "What does this mean?" Vaclav asked.

"It means they know what you are Vaclav. They're looking for you".

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