I was sure of three things. I was tied to a chair unable to move. I was bleeding and Griffin was the one who brought me here.
I slowly opened my eyes to the darkness. Letting my eyes take in my surroundings. Everything was a dark blur. My eyes were adjusting, but slowly. I slight trickle of blood ran its way down the side of my face. Why would he do this to me? I thought he was my friend? I thought he was their friend? What was going to happen to me? To Cicero? There was no way I was getting out of this chair with out help.
The cold room was coming in to view. I could tell it was a child's room. A large bed rested to the left. The stone walls were draped every were to give it that girl feeling, but just barley. I could see small statues to the right of the room. I could just hardly make them out. They were Roman gods different from the Athens but still they believed in them just as much. I would always pray to my gods if I need help or as a thanks. Thinking back on it now I had not done any of that seance I got here. I knew I needed to pray to Aphrodite in thanks for love. I need to pray to Poseidon for Scipio and to Zeus for help. Thinking back the last time I prayed was to Hera saying sorry for dishonoring my soon to be marriage. I was behind on it but then and there I prayed to Athena. I needed help and I needed her wisdom to get out of this. What ever this was.
My eyes moved by to the statues to the right. There was one of Diana, the goddess of fertility, the moon, and a huntress. A double statue of Juno and Jupiter. The rulers in the roman world. On of Minerva, of wisdom. One of Neptune god of the sea. All of them seemed to be carved in to the wall looking out the window. One out of them all though was not a carving statue but a full statue. It was I believe of Apollo and if I am right the god of Music. It seemed strange, he was by him self larger than the others and was looking at the large bed in the shadows, not the window. Out of all the gods why was Apollo the main one? If it was a girls room should it not have been Juno or Diana? It was strange why him?
My eyes scanned the room again. Looking for any sine of help. I was thankful for the full moon tonight that lit of the room now that my eyes had adjusted to the new moon's light. I studied the room slowly. Bed on the left. Check. Another person tied up. Check. Statues on the right check. Big window. Check Check. My eyes flashed back to the middle of the room. Wow. I think I have a mild concussion or something. How in the heck did I miss something like that? There was I man tied up like I was on the other side of the room. His head was hanging down. At what I guessed was a loss of energy. I felt lucky to only be in the position I was. His body was gleaming. Not from sweat and not from just that random sparkle, but from blood. I could tell his body had a slight discoloration to in more red and blue than any thing.
“Hello?” my voice came out dry and crackly. I barely new it was my own. The voice that answered me sent chills down my spine. No it was not coming from the figure but from the door.
“Don't even try he talks to no one.”
“LEX!” I half screeched at him. He smirked moving to the figure jerking his he back harder than needed.
“Well at lest not after we told him his purpose for for living killed her self because of him. What a pity. Now you have nothing to live for.” He throw his head back down. Moving my way.
My eyes widened in shock. Could it be? No! But Maybe. Did the others know? Why were we here? Lex made his way right in front of me. Bending over so he was eye level.
“Lex what do you wont from us?” I half hiss and Half spit in his face. His smirk only grew bigger.
“Don't you remember Autumn I told you I always get what I wont.”
“Any thing for my son.” both our heads turned to the door as Samantha, Penelope, Anna and Griffin made there way throw.

How to Kill a Man....
AdventureCan you fall in love and stay in love during the Adventure of your life? What if you thought everyone there loved you and your love, but really there are a lot of people that would love to break you apart. Can you keep your so called family all toge...