Four weeks later
Dean: Jess...*pokes in the side*...kiddo. Wake up
Jessamine: *groans* Deeeeeaaan....noooooo...
*It has been four weeks since Dean came home and four weeks since Renee had a fit and stormed out the house. It is now Thursday and Dean is going to Smackdown, though he doesn't wanna leave Jessamine alone in the bus.*
Roman: Girl come oonn. You've been asleep ALL DAY!!!
*Jessamine looks at the clock and freaks out.*
Jessamine: YOU TWO LET ME SLEEP IN?!?!?!
Dean: our're not going anywhere.
Jessamine: *settles back down* Then why are you waking me up?
Dean: And cause we need to go to work and I don't wanna leave you just in case Renee comes here. Now GET UP!!!
Jessamine: *groans loudly* Fiiiiiine PADRE!!!
Roman: Padre?
Jessamine: *gets outta bed* It means father.
Roman: Awwwww...
Dean: *scowls* I really don't want you to think of me as a father...
Jessamine: O...okaaaay....
*At Smackdown*
Jessamine: *giggles* Hiya Paige!
Alicia: You actually a dress?
Jessamine: Yeah. Dean didn't want me to stay home. And the dress is cause I didn't feel like ironing.
Paige: AWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Daddy's worried about his baby girl!
Jessamine: Yeeeeah...he really doesn't want me to refer to him as a father figure.
Alicia: Really?
Paige: Why is that?
Jessamine: *shrugs* I don't know. I called him Padre this morning and he looked pissed by it.
Alicia: You speak spanish?
Jessamine: I'm 1/4th Puerto Rican
Paige: 1/4th?
Jessamine: My mom is Puerto Rican and Jamaican and my dad was Samoan and Japanese.
Paige: Was?
Jessamine: *looks at feet* I ummm...*sniffles* don't...wanna talk about it...
Paige: Oh. I'm sorry, I...I didn't kno...
Jessamine: No no no. It's okay.
Alicia: Sooo...You're interracial.
Jessamine: Yeah. That's why my eyes look like this.
Paige: What? Squinty?
Jessamine: MY EYES AREN'T SQUINTY!!! They're...almond shaped. I have heterochromia.
Alicia: Heter-what?
Paige: Her eyes. It's a fancy way of saying they're two different colors.
Jessamine: Three.
*Paige and Alicia look at her eyes and see that she was right. her left eye, it was light green But in her right eye was brown with golden hazel outlines.*
Unstable Love Affair
Fanfiction20 year old Jessamine was a young runaway in Ohio. While on the WWE WORLD tour, Dean Ambrose found her and chose to keep her at his home. But there's something about her. Something that someone ELSE wants. Something that someone else NEEDS to have a...