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"I know." I muttered.

Sherlock rested his head on the table, and I realised that he was crying slightly.

"Oh, Sherlock." I muttered.

"no, Henry. Don't 'oh Sherlock' me." he sat up.

"Ok." I said.

We collected our stuff, and walked back to the common room.
I finished my essay, and went to hand in both Sherlock's and mine. Snape stared at me suspiciously, but took the homework.

"Holmes." a voice said. It was a Slytherin.

I carried on walking.

"I'm talking to you!" she said.

I didn't turn round. Nor did I show that I had even heard her.

I heard her start to say a spell.

_ _

The next thing I knew, I was in a bed in the hospital wing.

"Ah." said Madam Pomfrey. "You're awake. You have a visitor."

She showed Sherlock in. I suddenly remembered that he hadn't been in the hospital wing before he lost his sight, so I worried.

"Hey Sherlock." I said.

"Hi." Sherlock said, following my voice. He sat on the foot of my bed, and ignored Madam Pomfrey's tutting.

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"A day. If I have to spend anymore time with Molly Hooper coming up to me when I'm least expecting it then I'm going to shoot something. You'd better get out of here as soon as possible!"

I smiled.

"why are you silent?" Sherlock asked.

"Here." I grabbed his hand, and brought it up to my face.

"Stop grinning." he muttered, when he had realised why I had been silent.

"What's wrong with smiling?" I asked, joking.

"I can't tell what you're doing." Sherlock said quietly. Always the one to dampen the mood.

"How did you do with getting around today?" I asked.

"Fine. Mycroft helped me get down to breakfast. I had Defence against the dark arts, a study and Transfiguration in the morning. In the afternoon I had history of magic and charms."

"Well, luckily no Snape."

"No, Professor Lupin is ok. His lessons are better than Lockheart's used to be. " we snorted at the memory. "Ughh!! At least he didn't do a 'grand entrance' by walking down the stairs to his office and trying to be dramatic like Lockheart. "

"Good." I agreed. And then "how do you know he didn't?"

"John gave me a running commentary." Sherlock said, smiling slightly.

"Oh." I said, smiling.

"Are you not happy about something?" Sherlock asked.

"No, I'm smiling. I'm happy that you talked to someone."

"He had argued with his friend... Mary... And the only free seats were the ones either side of me. So he sat next to me."

"Good." I said.

Madam Pomfrey hurried back. "You can leave." she said.

I looked up at her, imploring.

"Don't look like that, I was talking to you, Henrietta." I grinned, and jumped up.

Sherlock and I left.
There was a boy waiting outside the door. He smiled when he saw Sherlock.

"Hi." John nodded at me.

"Hi. Thanks for helping Sherlock." I said.

"Pleasure... I mean it was nice... I mean.. You're welcome... It was... You know what, I'm going to shut up now."

"Good idea." Sherlock said.

John smiled, and, unknowingly, Sherlock smiled back.

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