Outside The Lines {4}

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                “Another wonderful day we of classes with Dimitri!” Thalia said as we stepped into the school.

                “Thalia, let it drop,” I warned. She had been taunting me about that all morning.

                “Lighten up,” Oliver said. He paused and began laughing. “Lighten up! Get it? Because your last name is Light? Lighten up!”

                “You’re an idiot,” I said with a hopeless sigh.

                “We need new friends,” Thalia said with a similar sigh.

                I looked over. “Unf. I’d like to be friends with the lips between her hips. Do you see those shorts? Done. Wear shorts that short, and I’m done.”

                Thalia and Oliver glanced over, following my gaze until their eyes landed on Alek. She had just walked in with some friends.

                She had a bright smile on her face as she tucked a lock of light brown hair behind her ear. She was wearing incredibly short white shorts and a light blue shirt. Her skin was a richly tanned color, and her legs were long and smooth looking.

                “God, she is beautiful,” I said, my eyes following her as she moved down the hallway.

                “If you’re going to bang her, do it at her house. Your bedroom is across from mine, and I don’t want to hear that,” Thalia said, rolling her eyes.

                “Well, Theo can’t bang her if he can’t even get the balls to talk to her!” Oliver said.

                “This is true,” Thalia said with a nod.

                “Guys! I can talk to her. I talked to her yesterday,” I reminded.

                “Only because you ran into her like an idiot,” Thalia said, Oliver snickering.

                “Maybe I did it on purpose,” I said defensively.

                “Yea, and maybe we’re not actually related. But the crushing truth is that we’re related, and you embarrassed yourself.” Thalia shrugged.

                I stuck my tongue out at her. “Jerk!”

                “I’ll be your new sister Theo,” Oliver said, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

                “Now that’s just not right,” I said, ducking away from Oliver.

                The bell exploded and the three of us made our way to class. The day crawled by until it was time for our study hall.

                “Finally,” I said in relief as we stepped into the chilly cafeteria. “The rest of this building is too damn hot.”

                “Sorry, I’ll leave,” Oliver said with a frown.

                “Please do,” Thalia said, pretending to fan herself. “The heat is just radiating off of your sexy self, Oliver.”

                We sat down at our usual table. The late bell rang as Mrs. Clark was entering the cafeteria. She sat down, looking around to take attendance.

                I watched as the doors were pushed open. Dimitri strut in, late as always. He was texting on his phone as he walked towards the table he had sat at yesterday.

Outside The Lines [boyxboy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora