Chapter 1 : your guide to the Abbeys and going to Hogwarts.
The oldest Abbey is Nathan 15 minutes older than his twin brother Dylan. They both have dark blonde hair and blue eyes exactly identical even their mother has trouble telling them apart sometimes. Mischief is their best friend they're a bit like the Weasley twins.
So as Nathan and Dylan run through Abbey manor they bump into their younger sister 'the rebellious one' she has long red hair and brown eyes and is a year younger than the twins. Don't call her Alexis or you'll find yourself blown into the wall opposite. With a fiery temper and hair to match you don't want to mess with Lexi Abbey.
Now the youngest Abbey we see is walking down the hall rubbing her eyes sleepily looking very innocent but looks can deceive. Watch out for this one she is very cunning and ALWAYS gets what she wants. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes and has a very close relationship with her siblings. She is two years younger than the twins.
"Ow Nath, Dyl watch where your going!" 9 year old Lexi yelled glaring at her brothers "sorry miss grouchy pants" Nathan mumbled walking towards Anna. "I heard that Nath!" Lexi yelled frowning.
Dylan sat down beside Lexi "what's up Alex?" He asked Dylan was the only one allowed to call her Alex. She pouted "nath is mean" Dylan smiled "he doesn't mean to be you know what he's like" he took her hand and helped her stand up "wanna go get a muffin Mindy made? they're delicious" he grinned "MUFFINS!" Anna yelled hearing him. "Race?" Nathan suggested
"BAAAAH MY MUFFIN ANNA!" Lexi yelled holding the last chocolate chip muffin out of Anna's reach "no mine!" Anna said grinning when Lexi vanished with a pop! Catching the muffin. "MUM ANNA USED MAGIC!" The twins yelled.
Somehow Lexi ended up on mars "welcome to Pigfarts" Rumbleroar said "who are you?" Lexi asked looking up at the talking lion "why dear child I am Rumbleroar headmaster of Pigfarts" the lion said with a bow "but I..don't go to Pigfarts!" Lexi cried
"ANNABELLE ALISSA ALICE ABBEY WHERE DID YOU SEND YOUR SISTER?" A very annoyed Sandra Abbey asked "I don't know " Anna whimpered. Suddenly Lexi appeared beside the Abbey matriarch with a small pop "LEXI!" Sandra shrieked pulling Lexi into a tight hug.
It was the morning on the twins' birthday. They sat at the breakfast table grinning as two barn owls landed in front of them clutching a letter each in their beaks. They hooted staring at the twins reluctantly dropping the letters in front of them before flying off. The twins grinned tearing open the letters "WE'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS YAY!" They yelled running around the manor.
Lexi pouted "no fair I want an owl like nath's!" She said staring at Edwain Nathan's owl in his cage Nathan's trolley "we'll get you one when you go to Hogwarts " David Abbey promised patting her head.
They waved as the Hogwarts Express slowly chugged away "poor Hogwarts" Anna said with a pout "let's just hope they don't set it on fire like that time they nearly burned the manor down" Sandra Abbey said sadly looking at where the Hogwarts Express had been moments before.
"DAVID THEY GOT INTO SLYTHERIN!" Sandra yelled to her husband excitedly clutching the letter "NOT SURPRISED!" He yelled back. "Is Slytherin good mother?"Anna asked innocently "yes darling, very good" Sandra smiled.
Lexi smiled clutching her owl cage to her chest "I love eskii!" She smiled looking at the snowy white owl. "Lexi, you can't leave me!" Anna pouted as Lexi was boarding the Hogwarts Express "I have too but it's your turn next year" Lexi smiled.
"GRYFFINDOR!" The Abbey matriarch shrieked fainting. David Abbey frowned "surely she can get a resort it has to be a mistake!" He said pacing. Anna looked at them confused "is Gryffindor bad?" She asked innocently "yes, very bad it's the house where blood traitors and mudblood go" David Abbey replied "But Lexi isn't a mudblood or a bloodtratoir!" Anna protested.
After they were declined a resort Lexi told them she wanted to be in Gryffindor and didn't want to move to Beauxbatons she received a howler. "ALEXIS AMELIA ANDREA ABBEY YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY IMAGINE THE HORROR OF BEING A GRYFFINDOR BLOODTRATOIR YOUR FATHER IS VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!" And so on it went for another 5 minutes blah blah blah.
Anna grinned standing beside her siblings as David Abbey took a wizarding photo of the four children. "I'm so excited I can't wait to get to Hogwarts!" Anna said boarding the Hogwarts Express with Lexi and the twins.
Anna sat anxiously with the sorting hat on her head awaiting her house for the next seven years "SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled relieved Anna quickly took off the hat and set it on the stool scurrying over to the Slytherin table sitting between the twins.

The Abbeys
HumorThe Abbeys a pureblood family in Voldemort's circle. David and Sandra Abbey and their four children Nathan, Dylan, Alexis and Annabelle. All slytherin except Alexis. This story tells their story from their first days at Hogwarts.