PARTY! -Chapter 4-

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Justins p.o.v

Im actually quite pissed off cause I wanted to take her to a romantic dinner. guess that's not was awkward.we didn't even talk. so I said something."So what party is it like a celebrating or. just a party? I said awkwardly" " it's for her 16th birthday.she's not turning 16 for like 2 weeks but she wants to get it over with."

rileys p.o.v

uhhh! just talk to me!! like it's so weird. he's just driving. Justin would be doing drifts and we both would be laughing. we finally got ti the party. the musiv was full blast you couldn't here yourself talk. EPIC! "OMG! Justin!! isn't that TWITCH!!!!!!" umm yeah it is! jeez! Someone pinch me!!" "well you know what we have to do.

t"Is it dance?" he said in a vampire accent." " k so were going to do the spongebob (type of dance.) with a little more hip hop and did dubstep moves kk?" " k" OMG TWICH IS COMING!!! THIS WAY. what do I do? Act cool or just be a fan that just wants to tacal him?

twich P.o.v

Wow! I can't believe what I just saw to AMAZING kids in there teens dancing like it's there language. They were awsome I had yo talk to them.


hey! it's depressed_unicorn! I hoped you liked the story so far. RUSTY SPOONS! * British accent* kk I like kangaroos! -:)

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