12) Here's To Days Like This

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May 22nd, 2013

Science projects are due. Ms. K is recording our projects to see how they work.

Ours...failed. It didn't bother me that much; Kevin'a had failed each time they did it. I get kinda bad for them. It worked every time otherwise. Plus Kevin was recording for his mom.

"Selena can you go get the paper towels?" Tate asked.

Our project had just ended up with water everywhere.

"Yeah who has them?"


I walked outside.

To my surprise he was alone.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." he looked up and flashed me a smile.

I walked over a bit.

"Can I use some of those?" I motioned to the paper towels in his hand.

I didn't know their project had water, but Kevin was stuck cleaning up the mess.

"No." he said, then gave me a cheeky smile.

I smiled back.



He was crouched down.

I crouched down as well and grabbed them.

I tugged, no budge.

Okay Mr. Deathgrip...

"Come on." I tugged, with both arms may I add.

Him only using one effortlessly while wiping the floor with the other.

I giggled.

"Come on Kevin." I groaned, still pulling. Once he snatched it from me he alternated where he put it, in the air, under his legs, between his legs...


I finally grabbed it.

"You know if I would have fell on my ass if you let go any harder." I walked up a few stairs to the class.

"We could fall together." He chuckled.

"Together." I agreed before going back into class.

"Here get more water." Tate gave me our empty plastic cup.

I walked back outside, Kevin's group had returned.

"Hey!" Kevin called.


"Do you know where the duck tape is at?" Kevin asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Can you bring it to us, please."

I nodded and went to fill the cup with water.

I walked back in.

"I have to give Kevin this hold on." i told Tate.

"Hey catch!" I yelled to Kevin.

Big mistake.

It hit him in the neck.

I gasped, putting my hands over my mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I swear! Oh my god are you okay?! I'm sorry." I kept repeating.

Smooth Selena. You couldn't just walk around the project and up to him like a normal person!

"She did say catch." a boy shrugged.

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"But she said it while it was already in the freaking air." Kevin argued.

If anyone was too stubborn it was Kevin and I, I swear


I walked into math on edge.

Once Kevin finished his sentence I walked up to him.

"Hey are you really okay?" I asked for the billionth time.

"Yeah I'm fine." he said then went back to his conversation. Well at least he wasn't pissed off at me...that I knew of.


Does it mean I've picked a good guy when I can still be klutzy, stupid, arrogant, and neurotic and yet we can still be ourselves around each other?

I thought so...

A girl named Lauren came in with a helium balloon.

Everything's always better with helium.

She took some in. The whole class was silent waiting for her voice.

"My voice sounds weird."

We all burst out laughing.

"Oh I want some!" Kevin jumped up.

Mr. B sucked in some.

"You kids need to shut up and do your work."

We all laughed. His voice was high yet deep.

Kevin jumped up and sucked in the rest.

"Whoaaaaaaa." he said. We all began laughing again. My sides hurt from laughing.

A hand led its way on my head.

I looked behind me.

"I'm going to kill you." Kevin chuckled in a Darth-Vader like voice.

I laughed and fixed my hair.

I got up and walked up to Mr. B's desk which was crowded.

"Hey!" Cornella yelled at Jason and Kevin. Kevin threw a piece of paper at her

"Who threw that at me?" she asked me.

"A delicious breakfast treat you put in the toaster."

We both burst out laughing.

Kevin got up.

"He still didn't notice. What a blonde." I laughed. And still he lacked to know we were talking about him.

I went and sat down.

I was explaining to Cornella about what I stupidly did in science.

"Boom!" Kevin walked up and grabbed my pencil.

"Hey give me my pencil back." I said.

"Pew pew pew pew pew!" he pretended like he was shooting me with my pencil.

"Are we gonna start the whole shooting thing again?" I smiled while he continued to 'shoot' me.

"Poptart!" Cornella called.

I laughed.

He came up to me.

"Give me my pencil back! Non give me my pencil back." I jumped up while he started to run around the room.

"I don't wanna chase you around the room! Give me my pencil back! Ugh you better move." I groaned as I chased him.

"Ah!" I yelled as I almost fell.

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