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Charlotte's POV

It wasn't like Jay to call me in the middle of the night and ask me to come over, truthfully I don't think she's ever done this. So when she stated that I needed to get over there ASAP, I knew it had to be uber important. As I was driving towards their house my phone started buzzing in the passenger seat. I didn't bother looking to see where it was, seeing as the outcome of the last time I was on my phone, while driving, I was in the hospital for forever and my fiancé cheated on me with an ex. I let it keep buzzing, once it stopped it buzzed again to notify me that I had a missed call. I kept my eyes on the road for the whole hour and thirty minutes, give or take five. I pulled in next to his mum's car and turned the engine off. I sat in the car, I was so frustrated, so through with all the crap Louis putting me through. I screamed and hit the steering wheel. Why was it always my fault? What have I done to make myself not good enough.

"Char?" Some one said tapping on the window. I turned to face the person.

Jay stood there with a jacket wrapped round her. She moved out the way so I could open the door. I had to admit it was pretty chilly out side. I followed her into the house, closing the door behind me. Everyone seemed to be sitting on the couch. Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe, and Eleanor. Eleanor was smiled once she say me walk in. She discussed me. "What's going on?" I asked sitting in the chair opposite of everyone else.

"Eleanor has something to tell you." Jay said.

"Even though you could have been on your death bed, and Louis cheated on you, with me, we can still me friends." She said, as if giving me permission.

"Excuse me." I said in disbelief.

"We can still be friends." She said smiling.

"El, your such a bitch. For one, your just a rebound. If he really loved you I don't think he'd dump you for me. Second of all you don't need to give me permission for me to be your friend, and even if you were to give it to me I wouldn't want to be friends with a back stabbing bitch." I stated calmly.

Daisy and phoebe looked at me in shock, while Jay just sat there, and stared.

"I hope you learn some manners because that type of language is not acceptable in the Tomlinson household."

"Who the hell are you to tell me what is and what is not allowed in the Tomlinson household? Are you Lottie and the Twins mother? No. are you Louis wife? Hell no."

"Yeah but I got closer to him than you did while you were in the hospital."

"El, stop." Jay said.

"Char," Lottie warned.

I didn't start it, Eleanor did. Why was I being yelled at. Louis walked out of the spare bedroom, hair messed up, boxers on, shirtless and sleepy. He looked so adorable, so cute. "Louis?" I whispered. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey Charlotte." He said walking over to me.

He pretty much towered over me, me, hiding in his shadow, being that "whore", being "unfaithful". I was always second best, never as good as Eleanor, because she's perfect, and everyone loves her. Even Louis loves her more than me.

"Here." I said, handing him the ring.

His face fell. "Mum, guys, give Charlotte and I some privacy."

I heard the shuffling of their feet.

"You were serious?" He questioned.

"You slept with your ex, while I could have been on my death bed."

"But it was all safe-"

"Just like with me?" I asked looking down at me stomach.

"How many?"

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now