Chapter 8

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Meanwhile in Nimbasa City...

Cynthia stressfully lounges on a couch in Elesa's home. "Have you heard any news from any of the gym leaders yet?" She calls out to Elesa; who was in the kitchen preparing a meal for them.

"Yeah," Elesa replied. "Lenora said they were headed to Castelia city, and so they might have defeated Burgh by now." She chops some Oran berries and puts them into a pot.

Cynthia placed her hand over her eyes. "I want her to be here so badly..."

Elesa smiled as she walked out. "I'm not a mother, so I don't know exactly what you are feeling." She sits down next to Cynthia and puts a reassuring hand on her friend's stomach. "But, I feel the same way when Volkner is in Sinnoh and I am here, in Unova." She smiled at Cynthia.

Cynthia smiled back and sat up to hug Elesa. "Okay. How do you wait so patiently?" She looked at her.

"I do things to take my mind off of it." Elesa smiled and took Cynthia's hand. "Let's go onto the Ferris wheel!"

Cynthia smiled as Elesa dragged her to the Ferris wheel.

* * *

Kyle raced through the desert plains, kicking sand up as he sped along.

By this time, Kyle's Snivy had evolved into a servine and his lilipup into a herdier. Kyle had also caught a sandile and a woobat. Xerina's Oshowatt had evolved into a Dewott and her pidove into a tranquil.

"Wait up!" Xerina called as she tried to catch up to Kyle. Fang hung on for dear life as Xerina also sped up.

"Come on slowpoke! We have to get to Nimbasa City to get the bolt badge!" Kyle raced on.

Xerina sighed. "Why don't we visit the desert temples first?"

Kyle skidded to a stop. "Okay!" He smiled and changed his direction, heading over to the temples.

Xerina followed him.

Upon arrival, the two entered the large temple which stood in front of them.

"Alright! Let's go in!" Kyle dashed inside.

Xerina looked at the outside of it. "Wait Kyle!" She shivered a bit. "Don't jump into things!" She slowly followed after her friend.

The shadowed figure which had been following them, stopped at the entrance and smirked. It would be a perfect place to catch the two off guard.

Kyle wandered around. "There's nothing special here..." he whined walking in circles.

Xerina sighed. "Alright, let's go then." She stood on a certain place and began to feel herself slowly sink. "Kyle, what's happening?" Her voice shook with fear.

"Xerina you're sinking!" He panicked and grabbed onto her. But he was too late, she had disappeared within the sand. "XERINA!!!!" He called.

Xerina fell through the sand and landed on the ground below her. "Oof..." she got up and rubbed her torso. "Where am I?" She looked around confused. "Kyle! Kyle where are you?!?" She called out.

"Where are you?" He answered through the sand.

"I don't know."

"Stay there, I'll be down in a bit!" He stepped onto the spot she had been and tried to sink. He figured it would be easy since he was heavier than her. But he did not sink. Frustrated, he looked around for another weak spot.

Xerina wandered around aimlessly, searching for an exit. "Hmm... " she thought to herself. "If I were an exit, where would I be?" She soon found a set of stairs and decided to take them up. Hoping they would lead to Kyle.

When she got to the top, she was frustrated as she found herself in an empty room. She paced around it, soon finding another weak spot in the centre of the room. She fell through the floor and landed onto Kyle.

"Ow..." Kyle had been flattened under Xerina.

"Kyle!" Xerina cried as she got off him and helped him up. "I found you!"

Kyle smiled. "How did you get out?"

"I don't know."

Kyle shrugged. "Can we go to Nimbasa city now?"

Xerina smiled, "Ye-" Kyle grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the temple to Nimbasa city before she could finish.

* * *

Cynthia and Elesa were heading back to the gym when Kyle and Xerina arrived in Nimbasa city.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Fang leaped off of Xerina's shoulder and ran to Cynthia.

"Fang!" Xerina chased after Fang as she did so.

Cynthia was surprised to see Fang run up to her. "A Pikachu?"

"A Pikachu! It's so cute!" Elesa exclaimed and picked up Fang.

Xerina skidded to a stop when she saw Cynthia. "Mo-" she didn't finish as Kyle plowed into her causing them both to fall face forward.

"Pika... " Fang sighed when Kyle and Xerina fell over.

"Wait. I know that voice! Xerina!" Cynthia runs to Xerina as she and Kyle get up. Cynthia wraps her arms around Xerina in a motherly way.

Xerina hugs her mother back. She was at a loss for words.

Kyle smiled. "Awe. That's so nice. Wait-" he pulled Xerina away from Cynthia. "The champion of Sinnoh is your mother?"

Xerina nodded and then Kyle fainted.

"Uh..." Xerina looked at the unconscious Kyle.

Elesa smiled. "Let's take you and your friend to the gym." She picked up Kyle - allowing Fang to slip out of her grasp - and carried her to the gym. Cynthia and Xerina followed her.

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