Song: Wake Me Up- Ed Sheeran.
Walking to the kitchen I found Ian preparing breakfast already. The sight of him made me smile as I leaned against the door-frame.
Turning around, he smiled pulling me to him.
"Morning." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.
"Yesterday was amazing. Thank you." I cleared my throat ignoring my quick heartbeats that were reacting to his touch.
"It was." He nodded kissing me before turning to the stove.
"You promised to teach me- huh! Don't say that you forgot."
"We have all day, babe." He shrugged.
"What are we going to do, today?"
"I have some ideas.." He started.
"What are they?" I inquired taking a step closer.
"First, you'll eat all this breakfast, and then we'll go swimming. Then we will take a small boat for fishing, and then we'll cook the fish for dinner. Then we'll take a shower and sleep tight." He winked making me giggle.
"I see you're helping me follow the instructions."
"Sure, ma'am." He chuckled putting the plates on the counter.
"Hmm," I closed my eyes teasingly smelling the pancakes.
"Hmmm!" He chuckled poking my stomach making me burst out laughing.
"Let's eat." He shook his head at me as we sat down.
"There's a problem, though."
"What is it?" He frowned taking a bite of his pancakes.
"I don't have a maillot with me."
"A swim-suit."
"Maillot." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever. You can go in your underwear." He shrugged.
"Ew! Of course not!" I slapped his shoulder in disgust.
"Ewww-" He mimicked me.
"You're annoying." I huffed.
"Okay, sorry." He chuckled, "I brought one for you. It's fine."
"Where is it?" My eyes widened.
"On your bed, maybe?"
Jumping from my seat, I was stopped by his stong hand pulling me back.
"Finish your breakfast, first."
"I'm full!" I whined.
"Okay. Let's wait till you finish it, and then you'll see my gift." He shrugged.
"Ian.." I whined.
"No." He shook his head.
Huffing, I sat back down eating my pancakes.
"I'll go." I told him getting up.
"I want to see it on you." He winked.
"Okay, Mr Annoying." I rolled my eyes playfully as I ran to the bedroom to find a one piece swim-suit on my bed.
It was all black, and the color complimented my light skin.
Running to the bathroom, I stripped from my clothes, and put it on. It looked really good on me.
Walking out, I stepped in front of him as he gave me a wolf whistle.
I shook my head blushing. "Won't you get dressed as well?"
"Sure, babe." He smiled pecking me heated cheek before walking past me. "There's a cache maillot for you if you didn't know."
"You got me that, too?" I narrowed my eyes following him inside.
"I get protective over my girl." He shrugged.
"Okay." I sighed following him inside.
"Don't compare my type of protectiveness to anyone's, though."
" I didn't." I shrugged.
"I'm just warning you."
"Warning me?" Narrowing my eyes at him, I walked closer standing inches away from him. "Warning me? I see you're fucking everything up right now."
"I see that you still are not giving me the space to express myself freely. It's fine, though." He sighed before walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut.
Rolling my eyes, I walked out and to the front porch of the house. It's sunny in here, and I'm really loving the place so much.
I heard a bark, and then a dog came to full view.
"Hey buddy." I smiled sitting on a chair to play with him. "Where are your friends?" I asked running my hands through his fur.
Sniffling my scent, he didn't look up.
"What's going on?" Ian asked.
"I found a new friend." I smiled.
"He must've strayed from his friends. There's no one living nearby."
"Oh my baby." I frowned.
"I'll get him food and water. Maybe someone will come look for him later." He sighed walking back inside.
"You'll be our guest, tonight." I smiled ruffling his hair as Ian returned with two bowls for him.
"C'mon buddy, you must be hungry." He called out as the dog jumped for food.
"We can't leave him alone, and his family may come ask for him." I frowned.
"If they came, he'd go with them, and if not, he'll remain here for a source of food." He shrugged.
"Okay." I nodded walking over to Ian. "I'm sorry about earlier."
"It's fine." He shrugged looking the other way.
"Ian, don't act like this." I groaned.
"You can make it up with a kiss." He teased.
"You're an ass, but okay." I giggled leaning in for a kiss, but pulled away at the sound of the dog barking.
"Oh buddy, we can't be friends if you'll ruin my opportunities." Ian chuckled making me giggle.
"Let's go." I smiled.
"Goodbye, buddy." He waved at him.
"We should find a name for him." I suggested.
"Not before we look for his owners." Ian dismissed as he held my hand, and we started walking towards the woods.
"We don't have towels or anything." I frowned.
"Don't worry." He winked.
"Alright." I nodded walking with him in silence in a passage between the trees.
"This place is very nice, but it would be intimidating at night."
"It'd be very dark."
"No because the moon lights the whole area pretty well."
"Did you call your mother?" I turned to him changing the subject.
"Yeah, they'll stay there for another week. I don't know why they're staying for too long, though."
"Maybe she wants to stay with her sister a little longer." I shrugged.
"Yeah," He nodded looking in front of him before turning to me, "you never told me where are your parents, though."
"My father passed away long time ago." I sighed.
"I'm sorr-"
"It's okay." I shrugged wishing that he'd drop the subject.
"And your mother?" He continued. Ughh.
"She's not living here, and I stopped talking to her because of Damon."
"Why don't you call her, now?" He smiled turning to me.
"I can't because she must be really mad at me." I took a deep breath.
"Come on, I'm sure she'll be happy to hear your voice." He huffed taking out his phone.
"No, Ian." I frowned.
"Because I just said so. "
"That's weird! You should be excited to hear from her!"
"I don't have her number, and she's not living here anymore. Okay? To her, I'm dead." I glared at him as he opened his mouth to reply, but I held up my hand to silence him, "drop the subject if you don't want to bring up a fight." I threatened.
"Fine." He sighed.
"Fine." I repeated as we continued to walk between the intertwined trees.

Mystery / ThrillerLiving with someone who's always jealous is not easy especially when the problem passes it's limits and turns to Morbid Jealousy, a mental illness. Chantal was suffering from her husbands's constant emotional abuse he's inflicting on her, but s...