No Good In Goodbyes

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What is good in goodbyes,

If it can make your eyes red

for you have just cried?

If in every goodbye,

You lost one friend

that was once said to you a 'Hi'

What is good in goodbyes,

If it can change your day from

bright to dark?

If it can make you worse not

a better one?

What is good in goodbyes,

If some people just wanted to

end their lives

just because their loved ones

already left by their side.

And if in every goodbye,

can shatter

your whole perfect life

in a blink of an eye.

So tell me,

What is good in goodbyes,

if there's nothing good in it?

Greetings! And yay! 1 week school break omg I feel awesome! Anyway, do you like it? (:

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-shanineen xx

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