6:00 pm
( Audrey pov)
I got up from my nap very excited. Today is the day I go on a date, with Darius Boatner. I never thought in my life I would ever tolerate him. I got the camera off the charger and turned it on facing me. '' Hey guys, im uh getting ready for my date with Dario.'' I smiled. '' And my mom picked out my dress for tonight,I know right my mom though. I didn't know what to wear, so she helped I guess.'' I said going towards the bathroom. I reversed the angle so they can see me in the mirror. '' And this is what I look like now.'' I smiled. I look a hot mess, my curls everywhere and shit. I turned the camera off and started up the shower.
( Dario pov)
I put my Rolex on,ended the video and smiled. I hope all goes well tonight. My phone has been ringing non-stop since I got home after school. Grabbing my phone, I answered it with an annoyed voice. '' What do you want, im busy damn.'' I said walking around the room. '' Dario don't do this, think of the times you and me had, I bet im better in bed than her.'' Layla said on the other line. I rolled my eyes and hung up. Shes mad annoying, like shes never going to leave me alone. There was a knock on my door and I told em to come in. The door opened revealing Myah with a pissed look on her face.
'' Make it quick, what do you need.'' I smirked. Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms, walking towards me. '' So you are just going to take the girl I LIKE out on a date huh?'' She said. I shrugged and nodded while smiling. '' Seems like shes more into me than you, right?'' I said. That was enough to piss her off, so she came charging towards me. I caught her and threw her on my bed. I straddled her down and pinned her arms to the bed.'' Myah, haven't we always fought over a girl? Im sick and tired over it. She doesn't like you she likes me and thats that.'' I said letting her arms go. Myah got up and headed towards the door. '' Oh best believe im going to ruin that date, and make yall life a living hell.'' She said and slammed my door. She better not, or imma beat that ass.
( Xiamara pov)
I had the camera filming me doing my makeup. '' Guys you have no Idea how nervous I am.'' I chuckled putting my mascara away. I pulled out my eyebrow materials and started filling them in. After I was done I smiled and put on my jewelry. '' Its almost time guys, Wish me luck.'' I said and ended the video. I think im going to put that clip last or at-least somewhere between there.
I went downstairs, heels clicking. My mom was waiting downstairs with my Polaroid Camera. I heard a few camera shutters and squeals. '' My baby, her first actual date.'' My momma smiled. I shook my head and picked up Malaysia. '' Wish me luck babygirl..'' I kissed her forehead. She just babbled on and on while slobbering. My dad came downstairs and instantly went back upstairs shaking his head at me. I rolled my eyes, and a knock was on the door. Momma beat me to it, she opened it revealing Dario looking sexy as ever. I blushed and put my head down, I could hear him walking towards me.
I lifted my head up and smiled at me, handing me a bouquet of Pink and White Roses. '' Dario you didn-'' He cut me off. '' No, a perfect lady like you deserves to have roses and be spoiled.'' He took my hand. '' Mrs Park may I have your daughter for a date tonight.'' Dario asked. She squealed and shook her head yes. '' Of course, she needs a little fun in her life.'' My mom said. I shook my head and looked down again. '' Alright, Audrey we shall be on our way.'' Dario said walking me out the door.
We pulled up to this fancy looking restaurant. Dario's chauffeur let us out, I swear this kid is very spoiled. Dario took my hand once again and we went inside. Guys, when I tell you the place looked so beautiful, I mean it. A waiter sat us at a table of two, right by a window with a amazing view of Detroit. '' Audrey, you look so beautiful tonight.'' He smiled. I moved a piece of hair out of my face and smiled. '' Thank you, you look very handsome.'' I said. Dario chuckled and sipped his water. I admired him, he did look very handsome, handsome enough to fuck. WOAH Audrey stop what are you doing huh? I was deep in thought, that I didn't realize that a person had come to our table.
'' Audrey, is that you! Oh my god I didn't know you was on a date with my brother.'' A unmistakable voice said. I looked up and it was Myah, great just great. '' Yeah, and I told you that when I was getting ready. Now leave us be and go with ya date.'' Dario glared. I gave him a look, but then smiled a Myah. '' It's Okay Myah, but please let us be at the moment.'' I gave her a fake smile. She nodded and linked arms with this boy, who looked very uncomfortable. Dario looked relieved after they left. The waiter came back and kept eyeballing Dario. '' What would yall like to eat.'' She said. Dario ordered first and I ordered after him. She left, and I pulled out my phone texting Jacob the details.
A few minutes later Dario look my phone and put it in his suit jacket pocket. '' No phones allowed.'' He smiled. I playfully rolled my eyes and stared at my lap. '' Dario tell me more of yourself.'' I smiled at him. '' Well my full name is Darius Boatner, my dad was in the Military. He is a purple heart now.'' Dario said. '' Oh my, im so sorry we dont have to talk about i-'' He cut me off. '' Nah its cool, he left a fortune of money though. My grandma passed last year, thats why I look up to Nancy as my grandmother. Myah isn't my only sibling, My little brother is going to be born in 9 months.'' Dario smiled. That made me smile a whole bunch. '' Aww, congrats I didnt even know your mom was pregnant when I met her.'' I smiled. Dario chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. '' Well she is a few weeks, so yeah.'' He said. Awe I can't wait to see a little Dario running around.
30 minutes later
I laughed and covered my face. Dario told me about a funny story when he was little. The waitress came and brought us cheese-cake. '' Oh god, I can't eat anymore.'' I said rubbing my stomach. Dario smiled at me. '' Just take one bite, I swear its Delicious.'' He said grabbing a fork. I shook my head no and blushed. '' Awe that was cute, but for-real then I could box it up and you can take it home.'' He said. I gave in and opened my mouth. Dario cut a piece and put it in there. My eyes lit up as I swallowed it. '' Oh my god, That was so good.'' I smiled. '' See, I never lie.'' Dario said putting it in a take out box. He left a 100 dollar bill and a 10 dollar tip and out the door we went.
It had started to rain, so Dario gave me his suit jacket. Just as the car pulled up, Myah and her date came out laughing in smiling. '' Dario how was your date, I bet mine was better.'' She smirked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand to get in the car. '' Umm rolling your eyes for why, don't make me beat ya ass.'' She simply said. I let go of Dario's hand and crossed my arms. '' Myah your irrelevant, this conversation is irrelevant, and imma need for you to get over me.'' I smiled. Her face changed from zero to one hundred real quick. Next thing you know, there was cheesecake thrown on me, with a beverage which smelled of alcohol.
Everything was blurry, and I couldn't hear anybody. I saw Dario corner Myah and im guessing screaming at her. Her date was trying to hold Dario back and trying to get Myah away from him. Things came back to reality and he pulled me into the car, giving the chauffeur a signal to drive off. I guess my sniffles and sobs worried him cause he quickly pulled out a towel from the side of the door. '' Audrey, are you okay?'' He said wiping my face. '' If I said yes, I would be lying.'' I sighed. He shook his head and started getting the food out my hair. '' Why doesn't she leave me be, thats the next Layla.'' I blurted out.
'' When Myah see's what she wants she gets it. Shes not used to not having what she wants.'' Dario said putting the towel away. '' Man y'all are spoiled so much'' I chuckled. '' No, I spoil the girls I like, I just have the money to do it.'' Dario smiled. The car came to a halt and Dario got out. Few seconds later he came to my side and helped me out the car. As we walked up to my porch, Dario held my hands and smiled. '' Can I ask you something..?'' He said. I nodded my head yes and blushed looking down at the ground.
'' Audrey Park, will you be my girlfriend.'' Dario said. I looked back up, and he had a ring with a nice size Diamond, but not to big. My eyes lit up and I was loss for words. '' I take it as a yes...'' Dario smirked. I nodded my head quickly and attacked him with a long, hard, passionate kiss. He spun me around and broke the kiss off. Out of no where, I heard a video camera go off. I looked up at the door and there was my mom, smiling at me with our project camera. What can I say, tonight was absolutely Magical, minus the Myah situation.
Hey guys, any new readers check out my new book My Boss. But yeah, sorry I haven't been updating, its been a lot of drama with friends lately. Comment, vote, and favorite~ Miaa

Good Girl
FanfictionDaddy's little angel. Always on time, homework always done. Grades are perfect for a scholarship. But this one boy who Bully's her everyday. Makes fun of her glasses and her accent. Eventually will they fall for each other? This is an Obey_Dario lov...