Chapter 17

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Damon's POV

After the morning meeting I know that the games aren't going to continue for much longer, so I sit in the video room and just watch the screens.

I watch as they have their little hunter meeting and break up. I watch where Vicky goes and look at where Taylor is. It looks as tho she will be the first to find Taylor.

I watch the whole exchange between Vicky and Taylor and am overwhelmed with pride.

I'm proud of my mate, for being everything that I need her to be. I'm proud of the future queen, for being everything that the werewolf community needs her to be. And as her king, I am proud that she is skilled in fighting.

"Okay, it looks as tho we are all done. Hunters, plz meet at the clearing to be escorted out and to your waiting limos." I say into the speaker.

It's done. It's finally done.

I'm filled with excitement as I leave the video room and head toward the room where we will all meet.

"Vince, please open the door for the tributes to want through." I say to a wolf in the hall.

"Of course." He runs off toward the door, while I stand in the middle of the room. Waiting for them to come through.

About 2 minutes later I here the doors open in the hall and talking.

Here she comes. What am I going to do when I see her? What will she do when she sees me? All of a sudden I'm filled with panic.

What if she doesn't like me? What if she ignores me? Worse, what if she rejects me?

As the voices near the door i continue to panic. It's when they go silent that I finally calm down.

I'm a man, and men don't get scared.

I take a deep breath and look toward the door. It opens and in they come.

Vicky's POV

Right as I step through the door my eyes meet with the Kings.

'Mate! Mate!' My wolf is just jumping all around.

Wait, MATE?

I gasp and all I can do is stand there.

He is my mate? Wtf, how is this freaking possible!

I don't really care in the next moment because before I know it my feet are running towards him.

He opens his arms for me and I jump into them. I burry my face in the crook of his neck and breathe in his scent.

I found him. I finally found him.

"I can't believe this." I whisper.

"Me either." He replies. I take notice as to the position we are in. I have my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms are wrapped around his back. To support me he has one hand on my back and the other resting on my ass. Mmm, I'm liking this.

He must have realized where his hand is too because he moves to take it off but I groan.

"No, you can touch me wherever you want, whenever you want. Don't ever think other wise."

"Well that's sexy." He growls into my ear and gives my ass a squeeze.

His other hand starts to travel up when we hear someone clear their throat very loudly.

"I'm sorry, are we interrupting something?" I turn my head around and Brittany and the guys are looking at us with mixed expressions.

Brittany is bouncing around from excitement, brown haired guy is looking confused, and the other two have shock written all over their faces.

"Did what I think just happen?" Brittany asks.

"Depends what you think." The king says.

I untangle myself from him and decide to just stand next to him.

"Omg, you guys are mates, right?" We look at each other and have a conversation with our eyes.

'Should we tell her?'

'It's not really her but all of them.'

'Whatever, but should we?'

'I'm pretty sure they already know. If they don't, then they are pretty stupid.'

'True, best to get it over with.'

"Yeah, we are." I tell Brittany, and the boys for that matter.

The boys show no expression on their faces while next to them Brittany is playing epic fan girl and bouncing around like a drunk kangaroo.

"EEEEEKKKK! This is so cool!"

"You guys can't tell anyone tho. We need to announce it formally in front of everyone." The King says. The all nod.

"Let's get down to business. Your limos are waiting outside, your alpha will be waiting by the right one. Exit through this door," he points to the right where a large white door is "and go out the way you came in." When no one makes a move to exit, he tells them forcefully to leave.

After they flee out the door, he spins me so that I'm facing him. He cups my face in his hands and crashes his lips onto mine.

815 words

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