As we were driving down the highway my favorite song came on. "Holy shit!" I said. Finn and Emma looked at me strange until Finn realized.
His eyes popped out of his head as he also said "Holy shit!" I nodded. It was our song when we were little.
I looked at him and nodded. He nodded back. So I opened the window that separates the seats from the bed of the truck.
I climbed out and my hair felt the wind. I know it's cheesy but I felt infinite. It felt like I was in that scene in The Perks Of Being Wallflower.
I stood up and faced the back of the car. Alex rolled down his window. So did Jason. They stick their heads out the window.
"River what are you doing?" Alex yelled as Jason pumped his fist up and down.
I couldn't hear him that good but I just yelled back "Scratch my truck and your dead!"
"Don't count on it!"
"Can I have my underwear back?"
"Not a chance!"
I then went back inside the truck because we were exiting the tunnel now.
I fixed my hair and I noticed Finn sending me a smile. "What?" I said casually.
"Nothing. It's just that your so care free and free spirited, despite the world. I've missed that and you guys." I took his hand and squeezed it.
I then heard the ringing of Emma calling someone. She put it on speaker. "What's wrong honeybuns?" I heard Jason ask through the phone.
"Nothing. Just wanted to have a conversation with everyone. By the way your on speaker." Emma said without taking one breath
"Sup Jar."
"Hey Jason."
"Hey guys. Wait, Rover, did you seriously call me jar?" I heard Alex snort as Emma held back a giggle and Finn snorted too.
"Yeah, Jason rhymes with Mason, and a Mason jar, therefor your nickname is Jason Jar." I could feel his scowl through the phone.
Finn spoke up before Jason could respond. "Hey guys, it's getting pretty late, we should get a hotel." Everyone agreed, so we stopped at a Hilton Inn. We could only afford one room with two beds.
"Ok what are the sleeping arrangements?" Emma asked us as she tied her hair in a messy bun at the top of her head.
"Well you and Jason can have one bed and Finn or Alex will sleep with me. So who is going to sleep with me?" I then wrinkled my eyebrows as I figured out how wrong that sounded.
"I will." Both boys said at once. They then glared at each other.
Boy was this going to be a long night.
Jason and Emma just left to get some food from a pizza place ably ten miles away- I know, there is literally nothing in this town- so it's just Finn, Alex, and me watching Forest Gump.
"I'm bored." I said as I yawned.
"We could always go to the pool?" Finn said to us.
"Sounds legit."
We then went to our bags. "Don't go all peeping tom on me, ok?" I said they both nodded. "Good." I walked into the bathroom and changed into a cheetah print bikini.
I then pulled an oversized shirt over my head and slipped on my flip flops. I stepped out of the bathroom to see both of the boys toned eight packs. I couldn't stop staring at their abs. Alex quickly took me out of the trance.
"See something you like?" I looked at him smirking.
"The view isn't Josh Hutcherson or Luke Bilyk." I said as I put my phone on the charger.
"That isn't an answer." Finn said giving me a boyish grin.
"Let's just go to the pool." I snapped.
As we walked off to the pool I heard Alex mutter to Finn. "Someone's on their period." I then heard them burst out laughing, so I ran down the hall saying I was going to the bathroom only to be hiding behind the wall. I grabbed a mop and dipped it in the dirty mop bucket.
I waited until I heard their voices then I pounced. I whacked the mop in their faces and ran down the hall giggling. I could hear them cursing as they called my name. I rushed to the pool and quickly put in the card. I opened the door and quickly closed it.
I heard their footsteps pounding in the distance. I was safe because the only way into the pool area was with a key and I was the smart one who brought it.
I then found a glass table with droplets of water from the previous users of this table. I took off my shirt and kicked off my flip flops.
I looked at the hot tub and smiled.
I then walked over to it and turned on the timer for the bubbles to fifteen. I hopped in and closed my eyes relaxing until I felt a presence by me.Uh oh
I'm so sorry guys for not updating. I just haven't had enough time/and I've been busy. So let the hate comments come.

Teen Fiction--DISCONTINUED-- River Emerson was your average 17 year old. Except she has a secret, but that all changes when she meets Alex Pinero. Alex is your normal popular, God-like, boy next door. He's new in town but yet manages to become the most popular...