Sonic the hedgehog began to stir a bit in his sleep. He began tossing and turning on the couch. "...No.. Please...." Was all that could be heard from him. It seemed he was having a nightmare. The tossing and turning turned into kicking and thrashing, until he his eyes finally opened revealing that everything was just a bad dream. He sat up and put a hand to his forehead, wiping away the bead of sweat that had formed on his forehead. "Another bad dream..." He said quietly to himself as he slowly stood up, stretched and let out a yawn. Then, he ear twitches when he heard shuffling coming from another room. "Huh?" Sonic walked down the hallway, which lead to his bedroom, where the shuffling could clearly be heard. Sonic put a hand to the doorknob and turned it slowly to open it. His eyes widened when he saw the ebony hedgehog sitting up on the edge of his bed, facing the wall. Sonic decided to go easy on him, since he hasn't seen him in a few years. "Shadow? You're awake?" Sonic took a few steps into the bedroom. Shadow turned his head slowly to face the azure hedgehog. "Sonic... Is that you?" Sonic nodded and walked a little further into the bedroom. "Yes, it is me, Shadow. How do you feel?" Sonic decided to go and take a seat beside the ebony hedgehog. "I feel fine.. just weakened. What happened to me? I don't remember it very well.." He looked into Sonics emerald eyes. "Well, during our fight with Eggman, you got knocked out.. you were stuffed into a giant metal tube and all your chaos energy was sucked out of your body... I tried to save you but it was too late.. you were shot out of a canon and the robot self destructed... Many people searched for you, including me. For days and weeks... After 3 weeks of searching, people gave up and came to the conclusion that you were dead.. Everyone tried to get me to think you were dead too... It hurt me... changed me... I had been gloomy ever since that day..." Sonic sniffled and little tears began to form on the outer edges of his eyes. "..But.. I never thought you were dead.. I knew I'd find you and you'd be okay..." A tear rolled down Sonics cheek and fell down onto the bed. Shadow tilted his head slightly. "Are you crying?" Sonic immediately wiped away his tears and sniffled once more. "No.. I'm... it's just.." Sonic looked at Shadow and without thinking, pulled him into a hug with his arms around his neck. He whispered into his ear, "I'm just glad you're back and okay." Shadow was stunned that his actual rival was hugging him. He didn't hug back, afraid of what would happen next. After the hug, Sonic have Shadow a smile as he walked out his bedroom to go make something to eat. Shadow just stayed put on the bed as he thought to himself, 'What was that all about? He was crying.. over me? I thought he hated me...' Shadows thoughts were interrupted when he heard Sonic calling him for breakfast. Shadow smirked and stood up. "Or maybe not." He walked out of the bedroom and saw Sonic putting plates of pancakes at the table. Sonic turned around to see Shadow. "Hey Shadow, I made some pancakes for you. Don't know if you want them, but they're there if you do." Sonic smiled and sat down and began to munch on his breakfast. Shadow chuckled and sat down in the seat across from him. Sonic secretly watched Shadow eat breakfast. The ebony hedgehog took his fork and got a bite of the pancake. He put it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed. Sonic smiled a bit when he saw Shadow go to take another bite.
After they were done, Shadow went to go sit on the couch. "Thanks for breakfast, faker." Sonic rolled his eyes playfully and placed both plates into the sink. After he was done, he sat down in the single chair. "You sure have changed Sonic," Shadow said, scanning Sonics new appearance. "I know, I'm not the only one who's changed." Then, an idea popped into Sonics head. "How about I help change your appearance too?" Shadows eyes widened. "You're kidding." Sonic shook his head as he stood up and grabbed Shadows wrist and led him towards the bedroom. "Hmm... Not much to change except.." Sonic went into a drawer in his dresser and pulled out a roll of sports tape. He wrapped it around Shadows gloves and shoes, and cut them off at his wrists and ankles. "There!" Sonic said with a smile as he threw the roll onto his bed. Shadow walked over to the mirror and took a look at his new self. "Not half bad faker... Not half bad.." Sonics face lit up as he dragged Shadow out of the bedroom. "I know you've only been here for a short time, but I think it would be best if saw everyone again." Shadow sat on the couch and nodded in agreement. Sonic dialled all his friends on his wrist communicator for them to come over. Within a few minutes, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Sticks and Rouge were all at his house. Rouge ran right up to Sonic and pulled him close to her by his scarf. "Where is Shadow? I have to see him!" Sonic chuckled and pushed Rouge back gently. "Calm down guys, he's right here." Sonic pointed to the ebony hedgehog sitting on his couch. "Go easy on him though," He whispered. The gang quietly sat down around Shadow. Rouge couldn't take it anymore, so she ran over and gave Shadow a big hug. "Shadow, you don't know how much I've missed you!" Shadow smiled shortly and hugged Rouge back. "I've missed you too Rouge." Their hug was interrupted by Sticks, who had her boomerang out, pointing it at Shadow. "Who are you! Are you a robot!? A spy!? Sent by Eggman to watch our every move!? Huh?!" She threw questions at him as she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him violently. Sonic immediately took action, "Sticks stop! This is Shadow, he's our friend!" Sticks looked at Sonic and stopped shaking Shadow. (I used a lot of words that started with "S" in that sentence. XD) "Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Sticks!" She gave him a handshake and sat back down. "Nnh..." Shadow moaned as he put a hand to his head to keep from falling over due to dizziness. "Hey Shadow, it's glad to have you back," Amy spoke while Tails and Knuckles agreed with her. "Good to be back," He said as he closed his eyes leaned back against the couch. Then, Sonic thought of something. "You guys, I'm going to take Shadow on a little tour, y'know, to help him know his surroundings again." Everyone nodded as Sonic stood up and gently grabbed Shadows hand and led him out of the house. Shadow noticed that Sonic was holding his hand, and he immediately blushed a light shade of pink, while thinking to himself, 'This is going to be one heck of a tour.'

Sonadow Boom
RandomSonadow in the world of Sonic boom. Enjoy. ⚠️NOTICE!⚠️ I have not, and I repeat, NOT, copied this from anywhere. This is my own story, and ideas. If you say I'm stealing your plot, I'll read your story and compare them. So, this is my own story, an...