Breath temari...breath...more chakra...c'mon...The blond eyed the injured carefully as she tried desperately to save his life.Her gaze shifted from his serious wound to land on his pale yet "smiling" face.Suddenly his eyes started to open a bit and his hues were clear to stare at .She heard his weak voice calling her
"Please relax I'll save,I'll save you i won't let you die..."
but the wound doesn't seem to heal no matter how hard she's trying ,she shook her head and mumbled
Please don't die , Ally needs you...He repeated his call, she turned to face him with chakra still focused over his stomach,his breath were fading and his heart beat got slower.
"Lady-t-temari pleasee...tell Al-ly and Kir-a that i love-th..." and he spelt his last breath.
he only nodded and called the nurses .Temari watched sadly from the corner of the room as the nurses covered his face with a white blanket.
Walking in the darted streets of suna she felt her heart beating faster every step she took near his house.
Her hand slowly rose to knock on the door when she heard a cheerful girly voice approaching.She took a step back,ready to ran,but unfortunately the lill girl opened the door,smiling like a little angel."Temari nee Chan!"
"Hey Ally ."
"Come in nee mommy cooked a delicious dinner for daddy!He's coming back today!"
The last sentence made her heart ache,she swallowed a broken cry in her throat and tried her best to fake a smile."Oh Temari sama what a surprise!"
She smiled at the woman and said almost hesitated
"Kira i need to talk to you."After Temari explained the life of shinobie briefly...
"....Is he alive?"
"Temari sama please...please."
"Kira i am...really sorry,your husband was a great shinobie.He sacrificed his life for you.He only wanted peace..."
"Iie...iie..." kira hugged her daughter tightly and started to cry and sob.The child looked terrified,she didn't get what Temari said but she knew something "bad" happened."Kira please be strong,at least for your daughter."
The recently widowed woman hugged the little girl tighter and tried her best to over control her self.Temari came to the funeral with her brothers.Her facial expression were cold and unreadable as always but deep very deep inside she was crying like a little baby.
Recently Suna lost alot of shinobies,more than 5 ninja died while she was trying to heal them,and every time she was the one to go and tell their family the news.
Well it wasn't an order but she decided to take the responsibility.Konoha village shinobies are the one to blame and that's why her hatred for this village had grown more and more everyday but yet she didn't want a war cause the last thing she wanted to see is more victims .
"Yes Temari ?"
"Did you know what father has decided ?"
"Unfortunately no,but you know what he's going to decide."
Yeah she knew but she didn't want to believe it tho...
"War." mumbled Kankuro while checking his puppets.
She sighed then said coldly.
"So it will be."
"Let's go back home."
"'re right,c'mon Kankuro."
"Coming!"Kay promise I'll try my best to update as soon as i can.Thanks.

Love your enemy
FanfictionWhat will happens if war began and the world was in a chaos?!Is Temari going to survive the battles and the losts?Will she be able to protect her beloved ones ?What if she found out that she still in love with a familiar "genius" but she refused it...