Chapter 16. I Missed You

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Jaden's Pov-

-8:00pm Same Day-

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. Me? Why do I always have to get so mad to the point where I say stupid shit that I don't mean? I really didn't mean to say that. I was just furious that she didn't believe me. I tried calling her about 50 times, but she won't answer. I am such a fucking idiot. "Jaden! Come on! We got business to take care of!" I grabbed my coat and we downstairs. Why do I always have to mess up things when they are going good?

-2 Weeks Later-

Adriana's Pov-

"Okay.. I can't take the suspence anymore. Did you and Jaden make up or not? What happened?!" We were currently at Danella's house alone. My dad and her mom went out tonight. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Bullshit. Just tell me." I sighed, "Come on. You know you can trust me." Should I tell her? I mean.. She won't tell anyone right? She hasn't told anyone that we're dating. "Fine. After you guys dropped me off, Jaden came. He came in and was screaming at me. He told me that he didn't kiss that girl, that she kissed him. I asked him was he gonna tell me and he didn't say anything. I screamed at him and told him to get out..." "And then?!" "Umm.. He told me that.. th-that-..uh.. that I was still a stuborn ass bitch. That he should have never saved me and that he should have just let him kill." "What? Who kill you?" "You have to promise me that you won't say a word." "I promise." "I was umm.. taken Friday night. I was tied up, beaten, and touched inappropriately. Jaden saved me." "Who did it to you?" "Some guy named James." "Adriana.. Why haven't you told anyone? You need to tell your dad so he can arrest James." "It doesn't even matter anyway. He's dead." "Oh." "Yeah." "How are- what the hell? How are you doing this? You're acting like as if nothing happened." "I know. It's really hard to explain. Can we just talk about something else please?" "Of course. One more question though." "Shoot." "Are you two still together?" "I don't even know. He's called and texted me so many times since it happened." "I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that. He was just angry. He cares about you." I blushed, "I care about him too." "Maybe you should call him." I gave her an unsure look, "I don't know..." "Just do it! I'll be back. I'm gonna go get more snacks." She ran towards the door almost falling and I laughed. "You didn't see that!" She yelled and closed the door. I picked up my phone and went straight to Jaden's number.

I sighed and pressed call. I put the phone up to my ear and layed back. "What the fuck do you want?! I am trying to sleep!" He hissed, "I'm sorry! Gosh, you don't have to be so fucking rude!" "Adriana? Oh shit. Sorry. I didn't know it was you. I didn't look at the caller ID." "Oh. Well.. Hi." He chuckled, "Hey." It was silent after that, "Umm.. I-uh.. I was gonna ask you to come see me, but if you're sleeping s-" "Fuck sleep. That can wait. Where are you?" "I'm at Danella's house. It's on your side of town." "What street?" "It is the white house on Meadow Lark Street (That is an actual street name in Calabasas. :P)." "Alright see you soon." "Okay bye." I hung up and dropped my phone on the bed. Danella came in with food and I smiled. She dropped all the food on the bed and sat down across from me.

"So, what did he say?" "He's on his way." She gasped, "Is he bringing his friend?!" "I don't know? Which one are you talking about anyway?" "The cute one with the bushy curly hair." I smiled, "You like him?" She giggled like a little school girl and made a creepy face, "I don't know..." I laughed really loudly, "Please don't ever do that again." She rolled her eyes laughing, "Fine." We talked a little longer and then the bell rang.

"Omigod! Should I change?!" "Danella you don't even know if he is here or not." "But what if he is! Do you see what I am wearing?!" She had on a light blue tank top and light blue pajama short shorts that matched her eyes. I had on the samething as her but mine were grey. "I think you look fine." She ran downstairs and I rolled my eyes following her. She opened the door and Prince was standing there. Oh wow.. He did come with Jaden."Hey, can I use your bathroom?" She nodded, "Y-Yeah. I'll show you where it is." He came in, "Hey Adriana." He hugged me, "Hey Prince." "He's waiting for you outside." "Thanks." They disappered upstairs and I smiled rolling my eyes. I grabbed my black hoodie and Danella's house slippers and put them on.

I walked outside and he was leaning against his Range Rover. I walked up to him slowly and stood a few feet away from him. "Hey." He said and I looked up at him, "Hi." There was an awkward silence after that. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean what I said." I sighed, "I know you didn't." "And I swear I didn't kiss her. She forced herself on to me." "You swear?" "I swear." I nodded, "Okay." I looked down and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "I missed you." He whispered and I smiled. "I missed you too." "Come here." He grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. I leaned my forehead against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Are you mine again?" I looked up at him and nodded. He started leaning in and I stopped him. "Wait." He groaned playfully and I giggled, "You have to promise me you won't say anything like that to me ever again." "I promise." "Okay." He chuckled, "Okay, can I kiss you now?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my lips to his. He smiled through the kiss and pulled me closer to him. He pulled away and started kissing my neck. His hands traveled down to my ass squeezing. I giggled, "Did you forget we're outside?" He smashed his lips back to mine and lifted us up in the backseat. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he turned around opening the car door not breaking the kiss. He lifted us in and closed the door. He laid me back so that he was on top me. He unzipped my hoodie and took it off of me. I reached for his shirt and pulled it up. He broke the kiss so I could pull it all the way off. He ripped my tank top open and took it off of me. "Jaden!" "What?" I scoffed, "You just ripped my tank top!" He ignored me and re-attached our lips back together. I wrapped my legs around him tighter and brought him down even more closer to me. Our tongues were fight for dominance for a while until I had to pull away to beathe. He started kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned and ran my hands over his abs. I reached for his belt buckle, but he stopped me. "What?" I asked and he sighed, "Not here. Not now." "But wh-" I stopped myself when I heard a car door slam and voices. "Get off." I pushed him off and sat up. I looked and seen my dad and Danielle about to walk by us in the Range Rover. "Oh shit." I ducked down and landed on Jaden. "What is it?" "Shhh!" I covered his mouth and they walked by. I looked out the window and they were walking towards the front door. "Shit!" I grabbed my hoodie and slipped it on. I pecked his lips, "I'll see you soon."

I got out the car as soon as they went in. I ran to the back of the house as fast as I could almost falling. I went through the back door and ran upstairs. I bursted in Danella's room causing her and Prince to jump. "They're here!" "Wh-" "Our parents! They're here!" "Oh shit! How are we gonna get him out of here?! My window is to high for him to jump out of!" "You have to sneak him out of the back door. I'll be your distraction." "Okay." "Okay- wait!" She yelled stopping me, "What?!" She grabbed my hair and fixed it. "What the hell?" "Did you want those hickeys to show?" I rolled my eyes and they smirked. I scoffed at them, "How will we know when to come downstairs?" Prince asked, "Umm.. when I.. yell.. for the love of god." "Wha-" "Just come down when I yell!" I ran downstairs and heard them in the kitchen. I ran in there and pretended to slip and fall. "Oww!" "Are you okay Princess?!" "No! It hurts!" "What hurts?!" Danielle asked and I pointed to my ankle. She touched and I yelled. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" I pretended to yell in pain on the floor for a while until. Danella came in. "Omigod! Are you okay?!" "Yeah, I'm good." I stood up, "Goodnight!" Me and Danella said at the sametime and went upstairs leaving our parents confused. I laid on the bed and sighed. She laid next to me and smiled. "Thanks." "No problem." "So, are you and Jaden back together?" My phone buzzed and I grabbed it.

1 New Message:

Goodnight. Glad I got you back beautiful. - J

I smiled, "Yeah. We're back together."

 Wattpad Twitter: @idgafdude_wattp


***P.S. Please pray for Paris Jackson (Michael Jackson's Daughter). She tried to commit suicide Wednesday morning (June 5th, 2013), and was rushed to the hospital. Please pray for her and her family. <3***

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