(This takes place immediately after the last chapter)
Aria POV:
After Ezra and I took turns holding her, we let my parents in first.
"Oh my gosh, she's adorable." My mom says softly once she sees her in my arms. I sway her back and forth gently to have her calm down since she's getting a little fussy. She's probably just tired or hungry.
"I know." I say.
"What's her name?" My dad asks in see. They come to my side and look at her.
"Bethany Rose Fitzgerald." I say. I wait until she's calm enough to let them hold her.
"Do you guys want to hold her?" I ask them.
"Yes please. I would love to meet my niece." Mike says excitedly. I give her carefully to my mom.
"She's absolutely precious. I can already see how much she looks like you two." My mom says. She hands Beth to my dad.
"Your moms right. She's the perfect combination of both of you." He says quietly. He hands her to Mike, carefully holding her head which makes me more relaxed.
"Is she asleep?" Mike asks.
"No, she just hasn't opened her eyes yet. I really hope she has your eyes." I say to Ezra.
"Really? I'm hoping she has your eyes because hazel would look beautiful on her as it does to you. But I guess blue would look pretty adorable too." He says. I smile.
"Can you come in the bed with me?" I ask.
"Of course babe." He says. He climbs into the bed and I lay my head on his shoulder. It takes everything in me to keep from falling asleep.
"We'll go so that you guys can show her to the other girls. They're eager to meet her." Dad says. I nod my head.
"Thanks." I say. My mom comes over and kisses my forehead.
"Good job sweetheart. I'm proud of you." She says. I smile at her in response. Mike hands Bethany back to Ezra as he cuddles her close to me and his chest carefully.
"I love both my ladies so much." He says, kissing our foreheads.
"We love you too." I say, kissing his cheek. The girls practically run in, and Emily gasps when she sees Beth.
"Oh my gosh, she's perfect!" Hanna squeals.
"I know. She's beautiful. Do you guys wanna hold her?" I say.
"Of course we do! Come to Spencer." Spencer says cheerfully. Ezra hands her to Spencer carefully and she sits down in a chair.
"Hey baby girl." She coos.
"What's her name?" Spencer asks.
"Bethany Rose Fitzgerald." I say weakly.
"You need some sleep babe, you look exhausted. And you're throat probably hurts because it's all raspy." He says. I bury my head into his chest as the girls take turns holding her. It feels so good to have her out of me and into the real world.
"Hey guys, could you come back to visit later? I'm not trying to kick you out but Aria's exhausted and needs some sleep." Ezra says.
"Yeah. Of course. You did really well. Although I'm wondering if I should have children some day. I've never heard you scream like that or cry so badly." Hanna says. She hands Bethany to Ezra and Ezra puts her in her crib beside my bed.
"Spencer's wrong. Giving birth is way more painful then getting burned alive. It's the worst thing that can happen to your body. But it's definitely worth it. I love Bethany." I say. Ezra kisses my forehead and I close my eyes. They walk out.
"You did so great Aria." Ezra says.
"I don't know. I'm pretty tired right now." I tell him.
"Everyone's tired after they give birth. But you still pushed no matter how much pain it was. Thank you." He says.
"Why are you thanking me?" I ask.
"Cause you have gave me the best thing I could ask for. A family and yourself. I love you so much." He says. I peck his lips and rest my head on his shoulder.
"You have no idea." I say.
Ezra POV:
Aria falls asleep quickly after we finish talking. She's exhausted. Anyone can tell. I hated seeing her like that. I'm just glad it's over, and we have our beautiful baby girl Bethany. I love her so much. I hear her faintly start crying in her crib. I smile and pick her up.
"It's okay Beth. Daddy's here." I coo. I know that crying is bad, but she looks adorable when she cries. She looks exactly like Aria and me. She's beautiful. She reaches her little hand up and grasps my finger. I laugh quietly. She tries to get a grip on it, but I barely feel it. I rock her back and forth gently. I can't believe me and the love of my life created this. I hear a soft knock on the door and I go over and open it up. Byron and Ella's faces greet me at the door. Mikes standing behind them.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Mike asks.
"Better then ever. Aria's asleep right now though and I'd rather not wake her up. She's exhausted." I say.
"We'll not spend to much time here then. We just wanted to see the baby again if that's alright with you." Byron says.
"Of course. Come in." I say quietly. They walk in quietly and I pick Beth up out of her crib. Aria's still fast asleep. I gently hand her to Ella. Ella cradles her for a little while and Aria sits up.
"Hey, how long was I asleep for?" She asks.
"About an hour. You should get some more sleep though." I tell her.
"Where's Beth?" She asks urgently.
"Right here." Ella says quietly. Aria leans over the railing and looks at Beth in Ella's arms, smiling. She lays her head on my shoulder and grabs my hand. I squeeze her hand a little and kiss her head.
"Has she opened her eyes yet?" Aria asks.
"Not yet. I think she will soon though." I say. Bethany starts crying so I take her from Ella and hand her to Aria.
"My two girls." I say, kissing their foreheads. Aria widely smiles at me and gives her attention back to Bethany. She kisses her tiny forehead as she sways her back and forth gently. I take a picture of them together, Aria kissing our baby girls head as Bethany lays in her arms. I make it my screensaver. Bethany's eyes flutter open not a second later. Aria starts crying and my eyes fill with tears.
"I knew she'd have your eyes." She says. I wrap my hand around her waist and tears go down my cheeks too. Bethany's absolutely beautiful. She has my deep blue eyes, my facial structure, my nose, Aria's lips, Aria's size (as in she's really tiny), and Aria's hair color. She's a perfect combination of both of us.
"She's so perfect." I say. Aria looks up at me and pecks my lips. Beth looks at the both of us and a tiny little smile appears on her face.
"Oh my god." Aria says through tears. This moments so perfect. Mike takes a photo of us, a small little family. Bethany's smiling at us, and we're both looking down at Beth with smiles and tears in our eyes. I wouldn't give this up for anything.
A.N: This chapter is real short but I just needed a filler. Dramas coming soon. Thanks for reading💘

Together- Ezria fanfic
FanfictionA story of two hopeless romantics, and their journey through life. Just when they think life can't get worse for the two of them, a baby pops into their lives. Will it work out, or are they just not meant to be?