Dana's POV
I found it out when I saw the engravings on the paused television. They were small but I've got enhanced vision thanks to the animals in me. At least, I think that's what it is.
Gabe, Angela and Boonquisha all arrive soon after I explain things thoroughly to Cole and David. Gabe and Angela seemed hesitant to enter the house at first but after two shaky sighs they took one step in. Boonquisha, David, Jeffrey, Cole and my godfather were all in a different room already. I led the other two to that room and tell them to lay out the other two knives.
"Now all we need to do is figure out the order of these coordinates." Cole said.
"Huh? Coordinates?" Gabe made a face at Cole's comment, oh right. I hadn't explained things to them yet.
After another explanation, I really don't like repeating stuff but it's admittedly my fault for telling Cole and David early, we got ready for more examination.
"Well, you kids are smart and I wish I could help but I just can't, I have to be somewhere. See y'all!" Boonquisha says, walking out of the room with a sassy hair flip.
"Yeah, I have to check my babies." Jeffrey said. I think, no, I hope he's talking about clothes.
"Uncle Toddy? Are you staying?" Angela asked
"Sorry guys, this isn't my job. Just like it isn't your job to do what I do. This is your duty. Make me proud, okay?" He smiled at both Angela and I, then to the others still in the room.
We all nodded and sighed as he left. Gabe grumbled something about being too stressed to do this, it is his senior year after all. David kept hovering his fingers over the first knife that was lodged into that Invisible Woman copy, then shaking his head and biting his lip. I don't know what's going on in his mind at the moment. Cole was narrowing his eyes and repeatedly scrunching his nose. Angela just kept reaching for my hand, squeezing it and letting it go to continue studying the knives.
"I can't do this!" David yelled stomping off to the wall behind him and punching it.
It startled all of us. I've never seen David so frustrated before. Well, maybe that one time we played truth or dare when we had first gotten our powers but that's all I could think of.
"David-" Cole said soothingly and walking up to him
"No! I can't! I just can't! You don't get it! I've never lost someone I've loved as much as I love Will! I've never been responsible for whether or not someone lives a happy life for the rest of their days! I can't!" He hits the wall again, ah relationship drama. I remember those days, before Angela.
"Dude, you're going to break the wall." Gabe said
"I don't give a f-"
"David!" Angela yells angrily. She pulls him away from the wall, turns him around and looks into his eyes. Then David goes in for a hug. Angela, being taller than David by a few inches, leans down and let's David cry on her shirt.
"I don't want to-" David sniffs
"Sh, you're okay, Will's okay, Dalton's okay, Dana's okay, I'm okay, Cole's okay, Gabe's okay, Alex is okay, everyone is okay" Angela whispers, using her head to tell us to help her.
"No! People died! Mrs. Tones died! Tommy died! Those two women who-" David cried out
"Hey now. We're going to get through this, together." I said, rubbing David's back.
He pulls out of their embrace to look at me. His face is red and blotchy with tears filling his eyes. Poor dude.
"You mean it? Together? Never going to be apart?" He asks
"Yeah, of course dude. We'll always be there for each other, no matter what." I smiled, he lets out a shaky laugh
"At the beginning of the year I didn't even know you guys I was in a different state. Plus, you guys barely talked to each other." David said
"Yeah, but we're here now. Through thick and thin. No matter what, we're getting Will and Dalton back. If that means it's the last thing we do then so be it." Cole nods
"We're a family, a weird family with all kinds of different races in it. You're stuck with us, whether you like it or not." Gabe grins
"Thanks guys, sorry for the outburst. But that knife, the Invisible Woman one? We could've died that day. Well Dalton, Will and I could've died that day. What if I wasn't there? What if I didn't agree to that date-like thing? Will and Dalton would've been dead, Cole probably would've been driven to madness, Cody would've probably won by now. I'm just glad I was there." Then he scratched the back of his neck. "I like Will. It's, how do I put this? It's more than a crush, more than a like-like and more than a love."
I thought about it for a while. David is deeply in love with Will. Will probably feels the same way. They should date then.
"Make Will yours then, ask him out. Be romantic. But no ring pop proposal or I'll call you a copycat." I playfully warned
"I already planned on doing something. I'd need your help for it though." David said
Then Gabe speaks up.
"Hate to burst the romantic feel to all this mushy love stuff-" Gabe started to say
"I'm telling Alex!" Cole interrupted loudly, making Gabe pause for a couple seconds before continuing
"But, I think I've found something." Apparently he started working on the coordinates while we were talking and figured it out.
"In this order, it's an ocean, in this order it's a mall but in this order, it's a warehouse not too far from here." Gabe says pointing at the map he pulled up, showing a familiar looking warehouse
"That's the one we're looking for guys. Let's go." I smile happily.
Probably all of you, not like I was being blunt about it.
Talking about the Wavid relationship because Wavid.
Until Next Time -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)
FanfictionSix boys in Los Angeles go missing. They were kidnapped by an evil scientist. When the six escape they won't be able to live normal lives. Especially when they find a person just like them with a knife planted in them. Started on July 29, 2015 Compl...