Unravelling the past and three surprises

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 Hello lovelies! Looking mighty fine today ;) Please enjoy this chapter. I had extreme writersblock at the end, but I did it! And I wanted to say that I love Ed Sheeran. he's amazing. If he ever has a concert here I will be the first to order tickets. Now the chapter...


-Unravelling the past and three surprises -

The next morning, I woke up to a text from Al.

AlQueen:Hey Red. Brad seemes like an okay guy! Gooooooo for him! He’s a hottie ;) Tell him I’ll beat the shit out of him because he hung up on meeee!!!! See you soon ;)

I sighed. Al was no help in such matters, she just wanted me to have fun with boys and break some hearts to get over Jonathan. But I didn’t believe that that would work, even if I would fool around with some other guys. He would always be on my mind. His bright green eyes, hazel hair and the big nerdy glasses were the first thing you’d notice about him. I shook my head, trying to get Jonathans face out of my thoughts. Great, that didn’t help ANYTHING with the Brad issue. I would just try to avoid him whenever possiple, of course I had to work with him on the chemistry project, but we could work seperatley on it, so I would be able to avoid Brad most oft he time. I looked at the time again and realized that I was almost late. I hurried downstairs and ate in a rush.

After yelling a goodbye to mom, I got into the car and drove off. Luckily I made it to school in time. At my locker, I met Nina who had an excited gleam in her eyes. „So, how’d you like the post about you?“ I smiled at her as I took my books out oft he locker. „It was.... good. Well, the part with Brad annoyed me, but the rest was really good.“ She had a smug smile on her lips now. „Well, I think that is important fort he future! Like when you and Brad are something.“ I just sighed at her weird thoughts. „Nina. We wont be anything, Brad seemes like a one night stand kind of guy, not the real relationship guy.“ She shook her head at my words. „Look, Brad has slept with almost every whore at this school, most oft hem cheerleaders. But the next day he moved on and ignored them. They wanted to sleep with him and he just accepted their offer of sex, like any not-gay male being would. All of these girls wanted tob e the one that would change him. But none oft hem did. And with you it’s different. He normally doesn’t go after girls, girls go after him. But he is showing genuine interest in you, and that means something.“ I listened to her little speech, but it didn’t really convince me. To me, he was a player. So I just smiled at Nina and shook my head. „Come on, we have to go to class.“

After a few rather boring classes it was lunchtime already, so we went tot he cafetaria. Nina lead me tot he table I sat at yesterday, and the same people as yesterday were there. They all smiled and greeted me. Could it be possible that I mad e friends? I was so happy, Noone was bullying me or anything, the people here were so much nicer than i expected them to be. But my little moment of happiness found an end rather quick. The interruption of my perfect moment was caused by a pretty and tall girl, her hair in soft curls. I remembered her from yesterday: Honey. She looked at me with an unreadable look in her big blue eyes. „So. Alice, I heard that a certain Brad Jackson is interested in you. How nice. But these are just rumors. So I came here to ask you about the truth. Is it true that he sat besides you yesterday and that you have his number now?“ I gave her a small nod, not able to speak a word. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave me a pityfull smile.

„Oh naive little Alice. I suppose he talks to you all the time, annoys you, acts sweet and the next moment he’s the badboy again.“ I nodded again,that was the way he acted towards me. Her smile got deeper as she continued to speak. „That’s the game he plays, Alice. You are his next victim. He acts bipolar around you. You will want to find out more about him.  Then you will spend time with him. And before you know it, you will fall for his mysterious attitude. You will want to change his badboy/playerways. And then there will be kisses stolen and more will happen. In the end, he will get you to sleep with him. And then he’s gone. That’s all he ever wants, he’s just interested in a challenge and fucking you. And you are a challenge to him. The new girl. Innocent and scared easily. You are a perfect target. So, be careful. And this is my only warning. If all oft hat happens, I will say „I told you so“ and you will see that I was right.“ After she speaks her final words, she turned around and walked away.

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