Chapter 5

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(Christina's POV)
My lips are dry and I'm hungry, really hungry. My back and sides feel like they're having the skin on them twisted into knots. I don't know much right now besides the fact that it's the afternoon and I'm in my bed, but more importantly.. I need food and something to drink. My little feet start sliding off the bed while my hands hold onto the nightstand. The second I attempt to stand I fall over shakily onto the carpet and start to panic.. "Hello! Is somebody here!?".. It takes a few seconds until the boy named Tom I met comes in..

"Hey are you okay?" He seems worried.

"Yes, I'm okay."
I'm also really embarrassed.

"Well how'd you end up on the floor!?" I feel his arms pick me up, one of them under my thigh.

"I needed some water.."
I grin and giggle.
"And have to pee."

"Well I can totally help you with the first thing." Tom carries me to the kitchen and sets me on the counter.

"So.. How did I get back home?"

"I asked your friend Ally when she came back to the store where you stayed, she hasn't really gotten over what happened yesterday, Allison thinks it's all her fault." He looks a little sad while he hands me a big glass of water... It's gone in seconds.

"I'll talk it out of her."
I say confidently, but I don't like the sound of Ally beating herself up.

"More please." I kick my feet up and down.
The next glass he hands me is done is seconds too. "Oh fuck I need to pee!"
I smile like a dork and give Tom a look.

"Okay.." He sighs.
"YAY THANK YOU!" I basically scream into his ear.
He Gently sets me on the closed toilet
seat and walks out of the bathroom.

While I pee i think about how fucked up it is that on my first day at dunkin this happened. And wait... Why is Tom in my house!?!
"Tom! I'm done!"

The second I'm lifted back to my room and set on my bed it all comes out.
"Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house!"

He turns around and looks confused.
"I mean I'm Tom, you were hurt and I just wanted to help you out.. I saw how beat you were and I mean if you got hurt any worse you would be in a hospital. You can't even walk on your own.. Basically if I wasn't here you would've peed on the floor."

He had a point but I still don't trust him.
"Well I dont know you and.. and.."
He slides a hand into his back pocket which freaks me out, until he pulls it out and starts eating one of my pop tarts.. Well, he did help me, And he's kinda cu-
"I'll talk to you, LATER.. Whatever! I want to sleep!"

Tom's eyes get huge but is out the door before I can say anything else.
My head falls back onto the pillow and I stare at my ceiling thinking to myself.


(Tom's POV)

Me: even with her bruises and cuts she's just so gorgeous man.
Mark: are you gonna be home in time for dinner?
Me: yes mom.....
Mark: because Sheila brought pumpkin pie
Fuck that sounds good.
Me: well back to Christina.. She has a guitar in her room, a nice one. A fucking Taylor
Mark: maybe she's a kick ass guitarist like you, talk to her about it.
Me: she needs some more time bro, like she still has to soak in everything that happened and she can't even fucking walk.
Mark: whoa.. Well take care of her man, and you know what, you're a great guy, keep being yourself ya know? Because neither of us has said it yet but it sounds like you have a crush on her.
Me: no
Mark: ;)


I sit my lazy ass on her couch put my head back and randomly start to think about her soft short hair, piercing eyebrows, long fingers, soft lip-

"Tom!!!" She yells across the apartment. I giggle a little bit while walking to her room.

"Yeah Christina?"

She's wearing the blankets up to her neck and looks adorable. I need to cut that kind of thinking out, I don't even know this girl.
"Can I have a pop tart?"

She's so fucking cute

"Sure I'll be right back."
I pour her a bowl of lucky charms assuming she likes them because she has five boxes haha, and heat her up a pop tart.

"Tom!! I asked for one, what's taking so long!" She whines as I bring in her little breakfast thing.

Her eyes glow and her cute crooked teeth show, she is so busy stuffing her face that she forgets to say thank you, but that's okay. I can tell the girl appreciates it.

I sit on Christina's couch again, daydreaming.. I'm up on stage ripping out a quick punk rock solo while Mark does a bass jump and kids are up on the stage and..

Her butt has been on this couch.
Wow Tom that wasn't weird at all.. But after all, I'm just a boy trapped in the body of a man that has a crush.. I'm not even gonna keep it a secret I understand that I've only known her for a day.. Or day and a half but she's so different..

I realize how fucking bored I am and decide to snoop, her kitchen and cabinets under the TV are really the only things In here, fuck it.
I open a cabinet and bam.
A fucking Playstation 4..
Look for games look for games..
I almost had a heart attack,
Gta 5
Battlefield 3 and 4
Fallout 4!!!! All the new shit!
I turned the volume low and started playing battlefield.

Me: ....
Mark: what!?
Me: she has every gun in battlefield...
Mark: good luck brother

How awesome can this girl get?
Well for the next hour I was lowering her stats because I don't have a PS4 or battlefield so I suck and decided to just watch Netflix. I put on where I left off in the walking dead and slowly fell asleep..


It was the evening when I woke up. The playstation must've automatically turned off.. I decide to check on Christina. She's asleep, drooling, and perfect. I go over to the side of her bed and kneel down.

"Hey Christina.."
I put a hand on her forehead, taking the chance to feel her skin, then kneel down.

"I'm gonna go get Ally to watch you.. I have to get home.."

Her arm is limp across the front of her body and I notice she has a penguin tattoo on the side of her palm. She mumbles half asleep..

"Will you come back?"

My chest gets warm and I smile.
"Yes, I promise."

My heart is throbbing.. I don't think she heard me, but did she just say she wants to see me again?!


Allison stands with me in the living room.
"You got this Ally?"

"Of course, she'll be happy to see me too."

Penguin (Tom Delonge / Christina Perri)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora