"Do you trust me?" Josh asked inbetween kisses as we made out on my bed.
"Always." I whispered I knew what he was really asking. He was asking if I was ready for the next step. The more I thought about it the more I was sure that Josh was the one I was meant to give my virginity to. He was sweet and caring and one of the best guys I know. I loved him more than anything.
He slowly undressed me. Taking off my shirt first, followed by my pants.I was laying infront of my boyfriend in just my hot pink bra and matching panties. As his eyes roamed my body I began to question if I was making the right decision but the moment his lips covered mine I knew that I wanted to give him this to show him just how much he meant to me. Soon we were both naked with me on my back on my bed and him on top of me while he was inside me. At firt I couldn't get past the pain it felt like I was being set on fire from the inside out. But after awhile I grew used to the pain and it started to feel good. Actually, it felt really good. 'Why have I been waiting so long to do this?' I questioned my self as he pumped in and out of me. I could feel myself beginning to feel my world shake and bring me to outer space. I knew then that what me and Josh had was real love and nothing and no one could take that away from me.
*Flashback over*
I heard a throat clear and bring me back to the present and back to reality for me to realise where I was and what I was doing. I looked over to see Josh standing there with a hurt/angry expression on his handsome face."Dude, were you just going to stand there and watch or did you plan on joining in?" James asked cockily.
"When did you two get together?" Josh asked ignoring James comment.
Now Josh may have been the all american boy who got his looks from his mom blonde hair and blue eyes but James was everygirls wet dream. He was the bad boy that was smart yet if you ever knew he'd kick your ass. He had black hair and chocolate brown eyes he got from their dad. They looked so different yet were 100% brothers. He was my own version of Milo Ventimiglia.
"That would be none of your business 'little' brother." James answered putting extra emphasais on the little.
Suddenly my phone started going off again. "Sorry boys but I have to take this." I said excusing myself from the room.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey." Richards voice said thorugh the phone."Are you busy today?"
"Not really what's up?"
"I was wondering if you could help me pick out Amy's birthday present?" Amy was Richard's girlfriend of 4 years. they started dating around the time me and Josh did so us four used to double date and everything. Richard and amy were my best friends since middle school so I couldn't just leave them behind like I did everyone else when me and Josh broke up.
"Ofcourse let me just finish up something and I will meet you at the mall in about an hour."
"Ok cool." He said before saying where to meet him at in the mall.
I walked back into the living room only to come face to face with the brothers glaring daggers at each other.
"Hey if you want that shower you better com on because I have somewhere to be in an hour since you forgot about ours." I said staring at James.
He turn to me dumbfounded."What plans?" Ugh why is he being so goddamn nosy. He was the one who made new plans first why am I getting the questions.
"I am going to the mall with Richard. He wanted my help picking out a present for Amy's birthday." I say fully annoyed with him. "So, do you still want that shower or not?"
"Ofcourse babe." He said taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom. He turned to me after turning on the water and spoke."You know your my girl right?"
"Yeah. Sure." I say. Damn I just came over for a quickie today and he wants to ask all kinds of questions.
"Why didn't you answer your phone?"
"I had a family thing."
"Really?" He asked looking doubtful.
"Yes really. My mom wanted to visit my grandparents so I went also." I said angrily.
"I guess." He said as he got in the shower.
It was amazing he is one of the only guys that I have had sex with that could actually make me orgasm. Well him and Josh were the only ones so far, I don't really know why either. We stayed in the shower until the water was freezing and only then did we get out just to do it on the sink.
I arrived at the mall 15 minutes late but thats only because James wanted to make out before I left. But when I got outside I found Josh leaning against my car. He wouldn't move until I agreed to talk with him later. Yeah, Right like I will ever talk to him. I will just keep putting it off and come up with excuses until I can't anymore.
"It's about time." Richard said as I walked up to him.
"Sorry couldn't find a parking spot."
"Liar, I passed by Josh's house on my way here. So tell me was it worth being late for." He asked speaking about James.
"If you must know, yes it was, it always is." I replied. The reason I stayed friends with richard and amy is because they never judged me even though they didn't like that I changed they still backed up my decisions good or bad.
"Well then I'm glad." He said as we began walking through the mall.
We spent almost four hours at the mall just looking for her gift and getting things for ourselves along the way. We talked about everything that has been going on in our lives and different things. I told him about Josh wanting to talk. He thinks I should talk to him but I'm not sure talk would be the right thing it would be called. I may come off as a bitch but deep inside I know I never really got over the break up and eveything. Being a bitch just allows me to deal with the pain on my own without the pity looks even though now I get glares from girls thinking I want their boyfriends at school. If only they knew that I'm in to older guys at least they are honest when it comes to sex. They will let you know thats all they want.
When I got home my mom was in the kitchen cooking, so I took my things upstairs and put them away. I just got done wrapping Amy's present when my mom called me down to dinner. Me and mom used to be close before everything that happened yes she knows I used to tell her everything. Now I only tell her stuff she needs to hear. When I told her I wasn't a virgin anymore she was very disappointed in me. She eventually got over it and forgave me. It's been only me and her since my dad left when I was three I don't really remember much from him but I always think if he left us for something else then I didn't need him in my life, especially if he didn't want me in his. Damn Bastard. I think he is the only person I hate more than Josh right now.
After dinner I decided to take yet another shower and go to bed.
I know this might be a little short and probably not as interesting but I just wanted to give a little history between her and Josh and a little bit about her home life. The first few chapter will all start off with flash backs just so you know how it got to this point. Don't forget to VOTE, Comment, and Follow!!!
Thanks for reading.....

Sleeping With My Ex's Brother
Teen FictionCierra was dumped after giving her virginity to her ex-boyfriend Josh. After that she has changed her ways completely from being the good girl into being 'That Girl' along with her attitude change she began sleeping with Josh's older brother James e...