2: I've Lived Long Enough, Haven't I?

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By the time I walked all the way home, my hands were numb. It was snowing. I didn't dare to face Lindsey on the bus, so I walked. I was so embarrassed because I vomited right in front of her. So I decided to avoid her.

My torso was so sore and bruised, as was my face. It hurt to walk. It hurt to breathe. I decided I was going to go to bed straightaway so my mom and stepfather didn't notice. I didn't want mom to do anything that would end up making Bert come after me. But as soon as I walked in, she walked right up to me.

"Gerard, are you depressed again?" She asked softly, stopping me. She looked at my face and gasped. "What the fuck happened to your face, Gee?! What happened to you?!?!"

I shook my head in reply. How did she even come up with the depression thing? Is it THAT obvious? How'd she know?

I attempted walking to my room again, but again, she stood dead in my tracks.

"Tell me what happened to your fucking face, and don't lie to me, Gerard, or else," she warned. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Principal Cholly told me you were depressed. Do we need to take you to the therapist again?" She inquired. She gave me that look of concern mixed with the look of sadness. She was worried. But one thing remained in my head that she said.

Fucking Cholly. I should've known. I swear, between her and Bert and pretty much everyone else I knew, I was ready to explode. Well, except for Mikey, Lindsey and the angel who's name I do not remember. Everyone else should just... Ugh.

"No," I wheezed, because like I said, it hurt to speak. "I'm fine." I tried to sound as convincing as possible. Nothing worked. Mom saw right through me as if I were made of fucking glass.

"Gerard Arthur Way! What's wrong with you? Tell me what happened, now!" She finally snapped. I stood there startled while I thought of a convincing excuse.

"Nothing." Is all I managed to come up with.

She gave me a stern look. "Gerard, tell me, please."

"Donna, he's fine," my stepfather interrupted, rudely, if I must add. "He's just being a pansy. He only wants attention."

Fuck you, Tobias, I hate you. I hate your fucking guts and I want you to jump off a burning building into a shark tank and get fucking eaten alive while I laugh and clap on the sidelines.

I didn't like my stepfather, Tobias because he was an asshole. That's the only word to describe him, I think. He married my mom after my dad died. Mikey doesn't like Tobias either because he was abusive. Especially towards me, of course. He was always threatening me for no reason. Saying I only wanted attention and that's why I acted depressed. I wasn't suicidal though, well actually that's a lie but no, I never dared to try committing suicide yet. That would be unfair to Mikey. I couldn't leave him. That would be selfish.

I gave Tobias a dirty look before retreating to my bedroom and locking the door behind me.

"Gerard!" Mom called out, but I ignored her. I wasn't in the mood.

Fucking fuck everyone.


A little while later, Mikey knocked on the door. I knew it was him from the way he knocked. When I unlocked it, I laid back down. Mikey came to sit next to me. He tapped my shoulder and rubbed my arm in a comforting manner. I looked up at him.

"Gee, are you okay?" He asked, his voice quavering. He gasped once he took full notice of my broken face. "Oh my god, what happened to your face?"

"Fight," I answered wheezily. My head was spinning and I felt like I had to throw up. See, this is why I need to be alone. Me and people don't get along.

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now