I could nvr 4get u

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Mitch shook the Sweet'n Low packet in his hand, grinning from ear to ear. He was originally going to leave Scott his number and see if he would be willing to talk to him from one meeting but he proved him otherwise. He pulled out his iPhone and typed Scott's number in and saved the contact before feeling the phone slip out of his hands.

"Hey!" He reached up and realized that his co-worker, Claudia, had stolen the phone and was holding it over his head. "You are aware that I'm taller than you and that this is pointless?" He plucked the phone from the shorter Mexican girl's hands and stuck it in his apron pocket. "Don't even think about it, bitch." He grinned, not even bothering to block the apron pocket over his crotch.

"Don't test me. I'm feisty." She shrugged, throwing the leftovers from one of her table's plates into the trash and setting it in the dish pit. "So, are you gonna call him?"

"Of course I am." Mitch smiled, realizing that he hadn't even told her the story of his 'Forgetful Scotty.' He made a quick decision to not tell Claudia, seeing as how he hadn't even gone on a date with him. So, he played it off like he'd just met the blonde. "Didn't you see him? He's gorgeous."

"I'm not interested in that, but yeah." Claudia grinned, tossing her cups on the top shelf and walking around to wash her hands at the sink. "So, what, are you ready to date again?"

The forbidden conversation was always inevitable, especially with Claudia. Mitch had only ever had one boyfriend after he came out, named Trent. Trent took advantage of Mitch in the relationship and made his life a living hell in every sense of the word. Trent would use him for sex, which he always claimed wasn't good (which made Mitch feel worthless) and he went off and slept with others. Mitch knew of this but he was too scared to break things off with Trent because he was scared of being alone. When he realized that being alone was the only way to be happy he finally broke up with Trent, in which Trent's rebuttal was that Mitch was worthless in the relationship and he was going to break up with him anyways. He was much better off 'alone' and happy as opposed to feeling 'alone' when he was with Trent.

"I'unno. I suppose so." Dating again wouldn't hurt. He chuckled at the fact that he chose someone who couldn't keep dates going due to his situation. Of course the only person he'd find after Trent wouldn't be able to remember him... but that magnetic force kept pulling him back. He didn't like the idea of Scott because he'd be an easy one night stand, and the mere thought of someone doing that to Scott sent awful chills down Mitch's spine. No, he liked the idea of Scott because his personality filled the room up without him even speaking. His vibrancy struck a chord with Mitch... something that he never looked for in a relationship. Someone that could make him smile just by looking at him. Scott Hoying was worth a try, even if Mitch had to try even harder every day.


"What'cha doing?" Kirstin tossed a ball towards the front door, her large white husky sliding along the floor chasing it and missing the ball, hitting the front door. She giggled and watched as Olaf ran for the ball, going absolutely crazy.

"Wondering how that dog of yours got to be so huge overnight." Scott shook his head. "He was a puppy yesterday. I swear it's like I've slept for a year or something!"

"He's a growing boy. Aren't you, baby?" Kirstin made baby noises to the dog, his ears perking up once he heard the female voice. He ran to her and jumped up against her, putting his paws against her palms. "You're such a cutie. Yes you are. And I love you. And everything is perfect."

Scott's phone instantly chimed, causing his bones to practically jump out of his body. He snatched the phone off the coffee table and couldn't wipe the current grin off of his face.

Hiya sweetnlow boy ;)

Scott quickly typed a short 'Heyyy' back to his diner boy and set his phone in his lap, not wanting to watch the 'dancing dots' as he'd like to call it as they teased him until he received a response.

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