"Guys, I know it is the last day of school, but pull out you textbooks." I was in history now and we were nearing the end. Mrs. Ness, the teacher, was a collage professor too. She believed in pushing us to the limit.
"Turn to page 383 please. We will be wrapping up with the civil war. One of my favorite wars to teach." I absolutely hate the fact that we are wrapping up with an assignment.
She is usually a very fun teacher. Even though she does push our limits.
"The civil war was a war between the states north and south of the Mason-Dixon line. The north wanted to abolish slavery and the south found it a useful thing and wanted to keep it." I stopped listening. Nobody wanted to really know about the mason-Dixon line and how slaves were smuggled over it through the underground railroad.
Hey, I sometimes pay attention in class.
Even though it is not very often...
"Whitney? Whitney?!" somebody was talking to me. I looked up and came face to face with mrs. Ness.
"What?" the whole class laughed. Well thanks, I didn't know I was that funny.
"i asked you if you knew anybody who was involved on the underground railroad."
"No mam. I don't."
"Wow. Ok. Does nobody know anything about this?!" in response the whole class mumbled something about not knowing anything.
Then the bell rang. Thank the heavens above!
"Study up on that if you ever want to make it anywhere in life! Have a good summer!"
"HAGS you mean!" I yelled over the commotion of the class.
"Did you just call me a hag Miss Black?"
"No! HAGS is another, shorter way to say have a great summer!" she wouldn't understand. Because she is in fact a hag. I walked out of the room before she could say anything else.
I went to the rest f my classes and nothing much happened.
I found Lelani in our usual meeting spot after school ended.
"How was your day?" she asked me.
"I agree. It is school. You know, I think that the word school is considered a swear word in some countries."
I laughed and we walked to her car. I got in and she started the car and blasted the radio.
When we got home we went straight up to our room. We were starting to get ready for our dates.
Hey peeps!
So I'm updating for you people today cause I'm super bored! Ya so someone commented! And they were nice enough to vote too! You know what that means? DEDICATION!
This amazing person is well, amazing!
Also just to let you guys kno, I'm typing this on my iPod so I'm super sorry if there are capitalization errors! Also I can't really word things all that perfect... So ya. Thanks to you invisible hippies out there!:)
<3 Bethany

The Summer I Fell in Love
RomanceWhitneys parents died in an unfortunate car crash. Then her boyfriend Mark breaks up with her. She has to move in with her grandma who lives not to far away. What happens when she meets a stranger at a grocery store and falls in love? Then she has t...