Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, You're Gonna Go Far, Kid or Nightmare.
Hello! Those of you who've read the profile recently, you'll see that someone hacked my account.
Storme: **laughs evilly**
Tsukiko: You didn't!
She did. But it's okay. Because this chapter may or may not make up for it.
Storme: Oh, crap.
Tsuki: YES!
All: ...Yes?
Tsuki: Yes, yes. I wanna read this!
Back onto a productive topic--the music at the beginning of the chapter? I actually said the lines while it was playing to see how long they'd take. That is dedication. So, please, no one tell me that I skipped too little or too much. Kthxbye.
And on another random topic--the most epic, kickass (literally) show EVER is back on! It runs summers (I think) on Spike. It's called Deadliest Warrior, and I LOVE it. Go forth and watch it, people!
About spelling, too: Anyone who gives me a headache about the way I spell names will patrol my backyard for puppy shit for a month. Mmkay?
And also: I recently (23-7-2011) checked how many reads I had...1,000! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE! THANK YOU ALL!!!!
So...yesh. That's basically it. Fan if you care, vote if you like, COMMENT IF YOU DARE
Tsuki: Rawr.
Show me how to lie,
You're getting better all the time,
And turning all against the one,
Is an art that's hard to teach.
Another clever word,
Sets off an unsuspecting herd,
And as you step back into line,
A mob jumps to their feet.
I took one earbud out, and turned to Ulquiorra. "What'd ya say?"
"I said, maybe you'd accomplish more if you weren't listening to music all the time."
"Nope. Now listen to this!"
And now you steal away,
Take him out today,
Nice work you did,
You're gonna go far, kid!
With a thousand lies and a good dis---
"Hey! Gimme back my iPod!"
"No. Train first."
I groaned. "Can't train. Need coffeeeeee!"
Ulquiorra frowned. "You never needed coffee before..."
"There was 5 hour energy in my bag," I reasoned. Of course, I was LYING THROUGH MY TEETH, something I did quite often. But I really didn't wanna train right now. And coffee did sound good... I grabbed my earbuds back from Ulquiorra. However, the dumbass sensor in my iPod thought I shook it, so now the whole thing was on shuffle.
NIGHTMAAAAAARE, It began. I began to laugh hysterically. Because this was totally the time for Avenged Sevenfold. "Here. You'll like this," I said, handing Ulquiorra the earbuds. He put them in, then immediately took them out, looking like they had electrocuted him, or something. "Oops. I listen to it on full blast," I squeaked, trying to contain my laughter. It was like the time Rayne had stolen my headphones. Or the time Ryu had. Or Niko. Or Dad. Tsuki hadn't reacted like any of them, though. She went to settings and reset the volume limit--louder. She had said, "Listening to Going Under this quietly is a disgrace. Learn, Storme." So that was why I was laughing.
It occured to me that I might never see Tsukiko again. I looked off at a blank, white wall, as if Tsuki would magically appear. She didn't. Maybe...
I refused to believe she was dead. She couldn't be dead. Even if she somehow managed to get herself killed, assuming she had no unfinished business, she'd go directly to Soul Society. Unless she hung around for too long...
Gah! Why does it all need to be so complicated?! Grimacing, I drew back a fist and punched the wall with all I had, then looked at the dark red spatters with detached interest. When I un-fisted my hand, I barely winced as my nails pulled out of my skin, leaving little bloody crescents where they had dug into my hand.
Then, I got up, walked out of the giant-ass-training-room-thing, went to my room, and locked the door.
When I wouldn't even open the door to Lilynette, who came a couple hours later, bearing synthetic coffee hot out of Szayel's lab, they officially deemed it "serious". "STORME!" Lilynette shouted, pounding on the door. "OPEN THE DOOR!!!" Then there was a brief silence followed by an explosion-y sort of sound, which I took to mean that there was a cero being fired at my door. For once, I thanked Aizen. The walls were thick (and strong) enough to resist a cero being fired. I half smiled, before remembering Tsuki, then regaining my vacant, faraway expression.
I tried very hard to resist the urge to listen to what they were saying, but gave in when I heard Lilynette say, "Get. Out. How stupid do you have to be? You're the one that reminded her of her dead friend in the first place!"
"I just--" Ulquiorra.
"Go. Now." Lilynette ordered.
"I refuse for my nùmeros to be suicidal," said a soft voice. Aizen. "Do something about it."
"What?" Lily demanded. "So I'm just going to break down the door and order her to be happy?"
"Preferably," said Aizen.
"Baka!" I heard Lilynette shout, then hit something, possibly Aizen. "Who wants to distract Storme-chan from her dead friend?"
"I will," said some creepy-voiced guy. Nnoitra.
"You won't," Lily declared. "Go read your hentai. Who else?"
"Bye," Stark said, then there was a loud crash and he said, "Fine, I'll stay."
"You!" Lily shouted. Then the door to my room opened, and in stepped...HALIBEL?!
I suppose my surprise was pretty visible, because she said, "Don't look so startled. Everyone else was busy, lazy or homicidal." I turned back toward my blank wall, content to stare at it. Halibel could go hang.
...Or so I figured. Till she drew Tiburòn. I wrinkled my nose. Trying to distract me this way might get me killed. Thanks heaps, Lily.
'Block left. Now up. Turn sideways...OTHER SIDE!' Moeru Hana dictated. Without her, I'd be long since skewered. A few minutes into the fight, I feinted left and stabbed right, directly into the empty space in Tiburòn. Remembering a few fencing lessons I had taken many years back (okay, a few swordfights I'd watched many years back) and the advantage disarming an opponent would give you, I twisted my wrist to the side...and Moeru Hana fell out of my hands and skittered across the floor.
Halibel had a freaking death grip.
I rubbed my wrist, that I had twisted painfully to the side, frowning. "Ow."
"Are you sufficiently distracted?" Halibel asked, in a definitely un-Halibel-like manner, "Because I do have a life..."
"Yeah, yeah," I said, rolling my wrist experimentally, then wincing, "I'm fine."
It was a lie.
Tsuki was possibly dead, because I tripped over nonexistent asphalt in a random lot. Ulquiorra possibly hated me because Lilynette yelled at him to leave me alone, because he reminded me of maybe-dead Tsuki. I didn't know when and if I'd get out of here, the manga-world or just Las Noches, and I couldn't do anything about it. And on top of that, I couldn't move my wrist.
It was a lie.
She knew it.
I knew it.
And she left anyway.