Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry Stone! I promise I won't talk shit about you anymore!" He begged. His voice filled with agony.

As I pin my 'meat for the night' on the cool street wall, I was almost ready to deliver my final blow to send him to the hospital, that is,


until I here the bell ring.

"Tss, If the bell hadn't ring, you wouldn't be breathing, next time you talk crap about me, be ready for your death wish." I hissed at him until finally dropping him to the ground and walked away. I was beyond pissed. First, I hadn't been able to deliver a full beat-down, Second, Jasper pick the worst time to ring that bell. 

"Hey Stone!" Jasper bellowed. I turned around to face him giving him a full-on death glare."Sheesh, who shit in your pants this morning?" He joked,"Anyway, here 10 grand as I promised." He said handing me the big wad of cash. "Next time Jas, at least let me finish before ringing the stupid bell." I begged at him chucking the cash into the back pocket of my tattered jeans. "Yea, yea. Oh! tomorrow you don't have a fight so take it easy." He chuckled as we both walked to my black BMW s1000rr. "Really? I wouldn't dream of it." I said my voice dripping is sarcasm. Rolling my eyes at him I finally said my goodbyes and drove off the dark alley.

After a 10 minute drive, I grab my key card, to open the huge 10 feet gates. As I pull into the garage and quickly shut off my baby. I noticed that the house was completely pitched black signaling that everyone was asleep. I mean who wouldn't? It was already 1 in the morning. But since I fought like 6 guys in the same night I lost track of time. 

I opened the front door, quietly I may add, and slid into the house. Before I could even shut the door and made a run for my room the lights flickered on showing me, my very angry-looking mother. "Where have you been Jaymey?"She asked, well more like demanded. "I told you mom, I was at the library with a couple of friends." I lied, but hey, I can't just tell her, 'Oh hey mom! I just came back from a street fight and only got a few scratches.' Hell no. You see, my mom isn't one of those cool moms, nope, she's one of those over protective kinds. "Oh, Okay." She finally said, which was my signal to make a run for the stairs but before I got to the 5th step she added, "Honey," Oh no, once mom calls me honey she's demanding something & won't take NO for an answer, "since tomorrow is a holiday, and you know the day after is a weekend, were going to the Nealson's to spend time with a couple of friends." She finished I turned to her ready to protest, but in her eyes were a mix of plead, worry, and anger. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to win this one and just give her a quick nod then ran off to the 2nd floor where my room was located.

I opened the door to my room, and quickly put my bag down. I was frickin' sore, from all those fights, well, atleast I got something out of it. I was about to strip when something in my closet sort of, sneeze. If I said I wasn't afraid would be a lie, but since I wasn't a curious girl I turn my back to my closet when something grab me from behind. Immediately, I took action, since his arms was rap around my upper body first I step on his left foot, which, made him to grunt in pain quick enough for me to punch him square in the jaw. I grab the collar of his shirt and flip him so he was now on the ground. I made a cartwheel so I was noww on top of him ready to deliver a final blow when the lights flickered on.

"Woah!Woah! Easy Jay! It's me TeeJay!" Teejay bellowed. Getting up and dusting imaginary dust off him. "You guys know better than to sneak up on me." I said punching Ryan playfully on the chest. Owen chuckled taking a seat on my black and violet leather couch. "What are you bowzoes doing here anyway?" I asked taking a seat next to Owen, he was watching Twilight:Breaking Dawn part 2, on my flat screen TV, "We were going to ask you that." Ryan answered. "I was at a fight OK." I said annoyed, my brothers were awesome but they can be a little annoying sometimes. They know everything about me, they even coach me in some of my fights, but just so you guys know, I can easily take down my brothers all at once with my eyes close. That's how good I am!

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