Day seven (at least an hour and a half):

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The day started as usual with my alarm ringing, waking me up from sleep and reminding me to pray, I prayed and Ibrahim's call came in, and I picked "asallamu alaikum" he said and I replied "wa'alaika sallam" I replied and he said "today Ahmad is coming to see you!!!" sounding quite uncomfortable with the situation, "really??"I asked and he replied "somehow my parents believe Ahmad should be given a fair share of your time" he said and I smiled really not caring about the whole thing, I mean my mind was already made up, "o.k!!" I said and he now said "you are o.k with that??" he asked as though he didn't want me to be o.k with and I laughed then "really?? I don't care" I said and he replied "neither does Ahmad, so I don't know why they still insist" he explained, it seemed as if he just wanted to tell me that Ahmad didn't care either, "well it's all good insha Allah" I said and he replied "yea!! That's by the way anyway!!" he said "am so sorry for yesterday!!" he said again and I replied "it's alright, I really do understand" I said and he replied "thank you" as I now hung up the call, the preparation for my marriage in the next three days continued as usual, as though nothing happened, my bridal gown was bought, the hena was bought in preparation a day before my wedding when it would be applied, a hair dresser was hired for my wedding day and so was a makeup artist, everything was just prepared waiting for the day before the wedding and the wedding day, they did all the work while I did nothing, I guess it was tradition for the bride to do nothing but rest. By 2:15 my phone rang and it was Ahmad, I picked up the call and said "asallamu alaikum" and he replied "wa'alaiki sallam", "well!!...em" he said paused, then said "I am so sorry for the confusion, and all, but my parents insist that I spend at least an hour and a half with you for the next two days" he said and I smiled, 'now I got what they meant by at least a chance to get to know him' I thought "alright, it's all good I guess!!" I said, and he replied "so can I come now??" he asked and I replied "o.k!!"... "thanks, I am really sorry about all this" he said and I replied "it's alright" as I hung up the call, I really didn't have to change a thing I was wearing, all I did was put on a hijab, I didn't even apply not even a little powder, I mean not like I wanted to impress him anyway, I kept my hijab by the side and laid on my bed waiting for him to call him when he had arrived, my phone rang again and I guess it was him I picked up the call then said I was coming before going outside, where he was parked in the front gate, I entered the car "asallamu alaikum" I said as I entered the car and he replied "wa'alaiki sallam" as he now picked up a timer and placed it near the wheels, I looked at the timer as it started to tick and I couldn't help but ask "what is that??" I asked and he smiled then replied "a timer, don't want exceed the one and half hours" he said and I laughed "you are serious??" I asked, I mean this whole thing was kinda getting funny to me, it all seemed like a joke, I mean I wasn't even sure I was going to marry any of them yet and it was obvious to everyone that Ahmad wasn't an option and he nodded then said "I really don't like the idea of being the one who ruins the whole thing, Ibrahim really loves you and obviously I know you love him too, so technically this is just to obey my parent's wish, and no matter what I know you are still my sister in-law" he said and I smiled, I liked the fact that he understood, "alright!!" I said as the car now suddenly remained as silent, as both of us watched the timer tick and change numbers, "wow!! this is boring" I said, and he nodded "I know right!!" he said as he started to drive, and now I just felt like loosening the situation, "so why don't you like letting fareedah take ice cream??" I asked just to loosen the tension, and at that moment that was the only thing I could think of, he smiled then said "she told you??" and I nodded, "you know you aren't her favorite brother" I said and he smiled, then nodded, "I know!!!" he said, "well the thing is, I am afraid of sugar!!" he said and that sounded weird, "what??" I asked and he laughed, "weird right?? I lost a friend dew to diabetics" he said and I nodded, "and so I am just afraid of the whole effect, after seeing what it did to him" he explained and I understood what he was talking about not that I lost any one dew to diabetics anyway, "wow!! am so sorry" I said and he smiled, "well that was a long time ago...and that's kinda the reason why I don't like her taking so many junks" he said and I smiled at the thought, I knew about diabetic but nothing could make me stop taking ice cream and stuff, "lol!! Wow I wish I could stop too" I said and he smiled, "you should" he said, "I would tell Ibrahim to stop you!!" he said and I laughed, "Ibrahim wouldn't be able to" I said and he laughed, as he now kept driving around the block, and now I remembered Jidda, 'he seemed no to care about marrying me, maybe now is the time to talk about Jidda' I thought as I said "you know it's weird, I actually thought you hated me!!" I said and he smiled, "really?? Why??" he asked, and I shook my head "I don't know, you were acted as if you really hated me!!" I said and he laughed, "well all in the bid to not jeopardize anything" he said and I didn't really understand what he meant, "o.k!! I don't get" I said and he explain "I had feeling s of you then and you are to marry my little brother" he explained and I understood as I now said "then?? Now it's Jidda right??" I asked and he laughed, "Jidda your friend??" he asked and I nodded, then he laughed again, "wow!! I am tired of driving, would you??" he asked changing the topic which I didn't notice as I smiled, and slowly nodded, he parked the car and handed the key over to me, and I went straight to the driver sit and began to drive, as usual my love for speed consumed me and I started to speed, as I was driving I realized where I was and I slowed down a little now turning to look at Ahmad who didn't say a thing, I began now driving slowly and he said "woah!! Why did you slow down, I was enjoying the ride" he asked and I smiled, "here I was thinking to drive slowly cause you were in the car not knowing that you are worse than me when it comes to speed" he said and I smile, "well I know where to take you too, to pass time" he said and I nodded, "I mean where you could take us to!!" he said and I smiled, as he led the way to a race track, it was big and the tracks were long, I like a lot of kilo meter, I can't say though cause I am not good at measurements, sorry, "well I would definitely not race you, but I would people to!!" he said as he now walked towards an office, "wait!!" I shouted, "why wouldn't you race me??" I asked and he smiled "I don't want you to lose to me" he teased and I laughed, "ha!! You mean you don't want to lose to me!!" I said and he shook then said "I am a pro, I can't lose to you" he said as I now said, "we shall see!!" and he shook his head, "no!! don't worry about that" he said as he walked into the office and came out with some workers, who now brought a car to the beginning of the track and a helmet for me, and another car where one of them now got into one of the sport cars, just as I was about to enter Ahmad asked "are you sure you could do this, come to think of it, this is crazy, Ibrahim would kill me, you know these have really small relative density and as so move easily and can crash at anytime, its slippery!!" he said this time really serious and I smiled "trust me!! Of cause I can" I said, knowing the risk but so wanting to try it, "you should also race" I said and he nodded as they now got another sports car for him, we all got in and waited for the whistle to be blown, and immediately it was blown we all drove off, like Ahmad said it was quite slippery, turning and speeding wasn't easy as the whole car moved with the wheels, my first turn was risky as I nearly crashed but alhamdulilah I regained control and continued driving, with great ease Ahmad passed me now being at the lead, with the worker as second and I as third, I quickly regained my position now as second with Ahmad in front of me, I couldn't deny it was phone to drive a car like that, it was really fast and fun!!, soon I couldn't catch up with Ahmad and he was about to reach the finish line, I tried to speed up but I could and just as he was about to pass through the finished line, it seemed as if he stopped and as I now won, I passed the finish line and now was heading to a stock of tires, I was shocked as I knew I might hit it hard and asi kept heading to it, I couldn't think of anything to do, "use the breaks!!" Ahmad shouted as I now remember, and I did, the car stopped immediately, causing a kinda of momentum force and causing me to hit my head on the wheels, regardless of the fact that I was putting on seat belts, and it really did hurt, as Ahmad now rushed toward the car I now struggled to get out of, "are you okey???" he asked as I nodded now holding my head and trying to see clearly, "O!! I am so sorry!! I told you this was crazy" he said as my head now started to slowly loosen, and stopped hurting, I smiled cause that best time I had ever had lol, I mean driving a real actual sports car, is the bomb not like its easy though, "you let me win on purpose" was the first thing I said and he smiled and shook his head then said "no!!" he said and I nodded "you did, you cheated" I said and he laughed "yeah!! Don't want you to go back crying to my little brother about how you lost to me!!" he teased, and somehow it seemed as though he wanted to keep reminding me that no matter what I was with Ibrahim, and I smiled and said "well that was fun!!" and he nodded, "so apart from race car driving, what else do you like?" he asked and I smiled then said "cooking, strolling and stuff" I replied and he smiled "well, let's go!!" he said and I kinda wanted to race again but I nodded as we went back into the car, and I drove off, "really?? You like cooking??" he asked and I nodded, "hm!!" he said and I smiled, "what??" I asked and he replied, "lol!! You like car driving and cooking!! It seems you just like stress" he said and I laughed, "a lot of people like those things!!" I said and he nodded "a lot people like stress!!" he said and I laughed, "see you!! I am not the only one who like stress, you seem to also do!!" I said and he laughed, "really?? How??" he asked and I could think of anything, I just wanted to have a case, "hm!! Well!!" I said then thought of something I wasn't sure to say and so I decided not to say it, "alright you win!!" I said and he smiled, "I totally forgot about the timer!!" he said as we both looked at it and it was now passed the arranged time, I drove home and handed the key back to him, "thanks" I said and he smiled, "for what?? Nearly getting you in an accident??" he asked and I smiled as I now walked into the house.
Ahmad was fun really fun and stuff but no matter what my decision was already made, if I had to marry any of them it was going to be Ibrahim, he seemed to know that, and Ahmad seemed not to care and it was as though he also wanted me to marry Ibrahim.
The rest of the day ended as usual, Ibrahim called and we spoke, lol he seemed uncomfortable with the fact that I enjoyed my day with his elder brother.

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