"Vanessa! Vanessa, slow down!" I heard somebody screaming from behind. That's Roman... I unlocked the car and got in. He had done the same before I handed him the keys. "Drive me home." I said while looking out of the window. "Ness, baby, look at me and tell me what happened." he said softly. You happened. "Drive me home." I repeated and felt his hand on my thigh. "Look at me." he posed and I sighed. I don't feel like it. "Fine." I snapped and got off the car. Walking away, I pulled out my phone to call a cab. "Vanessa, will you please stop freaking out?!" Roman called. "What happened?" he squealed and turned me around. "Why are you crying?" he mused and I took a step back so that he wouldn't be able to caress my cheek. "No way!" I snapped and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" he asked. Scoffing, I shrugged my shoulders. "Think about it. What questions did you answer with 'no way'?" I posed and his face softened after a while. "Baby, I..." he started. "Be quiet." I said. "I thought that we want the same." I said and sobbed. "But if your answer to getting engaged and having a baby is 'no way' then I don't know what we're doing." I said and walked away quickly leaving him there.
Throwing the scarf into my handbag, I looked around to make sure all the windows are closed. I just need to calm down. Cool off. "Ness." Roman breathed out while I was locking the door. Turning around, I gulped. "I'm going to Düsseldorf." I mumbled and he furrowed his eyebrows. "W-what? Why?" he squealed and I walked past him waiting for the elevator. "Visit Lara." I explained and looked at him. "I should be back in the evening." I said and was about to get in the lift, when he took my hand in his. "Baby, it's...different. I don't know what you heard, but...there's no way I'd say 'no way' to marrying you." he rambled and I sighed. "I just thought we're thinking about our future the same way. But then...you just say that and...it hurt." I said and he kissed my forehead. "Baby, please." he whispered and I pulled away. "I love you and our mutual future is something I think about. What about you?" I said and got in letting the door close itself. I love him. And I'm not saying that I want us to get married right now, but...the way he reacted hurt me. I know he is the one. He is the one for 100%.
Roman's POV
Watching her leave, I nodded. She loves me, but I love her more. And if she doesn't believe, I need to prove it. I unlocked the door of her flat and stepped in. A lot of stuff to pack. And also a lot of clothes. But if this should prove her that I'm thinking about our common future, then I'm willing to do it. This will mean a lot for both of us.
Vanessa's POV
Sipping the coffee, I was looking at Lara. "I bet you overheard." she said and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. He asked him about getting married and getting a baby. He answered 'no way'. There's really not that much I could overhear." I explained and she sighed. "You're 23 and begging to get pregnant. Are you normal?" she squealed and I blushed. "I...aargh. I don't wanna get a baby immediately, but...I'd appreciate if he's thinking about our mutual future in a more positive way." I mumbled and she smiled lightly. "You said that you'll move in with him, right?" she mused and I nodded. "Nessa! That proves he's thinking about your mutual future." she exclaimed. "Why would he want you to move in with him?" she added and I looked down on my lap. That's quite...true. But...
Opening my door, I furrowed my eyebrows seeing about 3 boxes and a suitcase. "Hello?" I called shaking. Is there any killer or what? "Nessie." Roman said and I relaxed putting my hand over my heart. "You scared me to death!" I screamed and he moved closer to me. "I love you, baby." he said and pressed his forehead on mine. "And I wanna explain everything. Every little bit of the conversation I and Marco had." he said. I'm not angry anymore. Moving in is a huge step. I'm just a bit touched by his reaction. "Okay, but...firstly explain why there are boxes here." I mumbled looking around and he grinned. "You're moving in." he explained and I blushed. "B-but...why are you packing?" I asked and he caressed my cheek. "Baby, you...you think that I'm not thinking about our common future, but that's not right. And I'm showing you by packing all of your little things." he explained softly and I smiled. This man really is amazing. I stepped on my tiptoes and pecked his lips. "You mean so much to me. And I do wanna share my future with you." Roman said and I smiled nodding my head. He still needs to explain, but...that'll wait for a while.
×Everything's good! :-)
×Sorry I haven't updated as I promised, but I was too busy with school.
×Thanks to every single reader, to those who voted and commented! Your opinions mean so much!
×Next update on Saturday. I promise!

Charming neighbour •Roman Bürki•
FanfictionHe is her neighbour. When she meets him the first time, she's in awe, speechless. What if they belong together? But what happens when there's too much pressure? Won't he hurt her feelings? On the other hand, what will she do if she feels hurting aga...